今月の臨床 いまさら聞けない 体外受精法と胚培養の基礎知識
1)Cha KY, et al : Pregnancy after in vitro fertilization of human oocytes collected from nonstimulated cycles, their culture in vitro and their transfer in a donor oocyte program. FertilSteril 55 : 109-113, 1991
2)Trounson A, et al : in vitro maturation and the fertilization and developmental competence of oocytes recovered from unstimulated polycystic patients. FertilSteril 62 : 353-362, 1994
3)Gougeon A : Dynamics of follicular growth in the human : a model from preliminary results. Human Reprod 1 : 81-87, 1986
4)Yeh J, et al : The ovarian life cycle. Reproductive endocrinology 4th edition. pp153-190, Saunders, 1999
5)Nugeira D, et al : Nuclearstatus and cytogenetics of embryos derived from in vitro matured oocytes. FertilSteril 74 : 295-298, 2000
6)Chian RC, et al : Pregnancies resulting from in vitro matured oocytes retrieved from patients with polycystic ovary syndrome after priming with human chorionic gonadotropin. FertilSteril 72 : 639-642, 1999
7)Gilchrist RB, et al : Oocyte maturation and quality : role of cyclic nucleotides. Reproduction 152 : R143-R157, 2016
8)Reavey J, et al : Human chorionic gonadotrophin priming for fertility treatment with in vitro maturation. Cochrane Database of Syst Rev 11 : CD008720, 2016
9)Gulekli B, et al : Randomized, controlled trial of priming with 10,000 IU versus 20,000 IU of human chorionic gonadotropin in women with polycystic ovary syndrome who are undergoing in vitro maturation. FertilSteril 82 : 1458-1459, 2004
10)Smith SD, et al : Development of human oocytes in vitro for 28 or 36 hours. FertilSteril 73 : 541-544, 2000
11)福田愛作,他 : 非刺激周期婦人よりの未成熟卵体外受精の試み.日受精着床会誌18 : 1-4, 2001
12)福田愛作,他 : 未熟卵体外成熟顕微授精胚の凍結融解胚移植による妊娠.産と婦12 : 1871-1876, 2001