増刊号 産婦人科救急・当直対応マニュアル
Ⅱ.婦人科編 オンコロジック・エマージェンシーへの対応法
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3)日本臨床腫瘍学会(編) : 腫瘍崩壊症候群(TLS)診療ガイダンス.金原出版,2013
4)Howard SC, et al : The tumor lysis syndrome. N Engl J Med 364 : 1844-1854, 2011
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7)Bilgrami SF, et al : Tumor lysis syndrome after combination chemotherapy for ovarian cancer. Med Pediatr Oncol 21 : 521-524, 1993
8)Chan JK, et al : Patients with malignancy requiring urgent therapy : CASE 3. Tumor lysis syndrome associated with chemotherapy in ovarian cancer. J Clin Oncol 23 : 6794-6795, 2005
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12)Blanke CD, et al : Acute tumor lysis syndrome with choriocarcinoma. South Med J 93 : 916-919, 2000
13)Barton JC : Tumor lysis syndrome in nonhematopoietic neoplasms. Cancer 64 : 738-740, 1989
14)Gold JE, et al : Adoptive chemoimmunotherapy using ex vivo activated memory T-cells and cyclophosphamide : tumor lysis syndrome of a metastatic soft tissue sarcoma. Am J Hematol 44 : 42-47, 1993
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