増刊号 産婦人科救急・当直対応マニュアル
Ⅱ.婦人科編 オンコロジック・エマージェンシーへの対応法
1)森脇昭介 : 癌の骨(髄)転移の病理形態と問題点.病理と臨 : 17 : 28-34, 1999
2)森脇昭介 : 病理解剖からみた脊椎癌転移の病態と統計学的考察.整・災外 36 : 233-241, 1993
3)Guillevin R, et al : Spine metastasis imaging : review of the literature. J Neuroradiol 34 : 311-321, 2007
4)Jung HS, et al : Discrimination of Metastatic from Acute Osteoporotic Compression Spinal Fractures with MR imaging. Radio graphics 23 : 179-187, 2003
5)Loblaw DA, et al : Emergency treatment of malignant extradural spinal cord compression : an evidence-based guideline. J Clin Oncol 16 : 1613-1624, 1998
6)Rades D, et al : A prospective evaluation of two radiotherapy schedules with 10 versus 20 fractions for the treatment of metastatic spinal cord compression : final results of a multicenterstudy. Cancer 101 : 2687-2692, 2004
7)Clausen C, et al : Preoperative embolization in surgical treatment of spinal metastases : single-blind, randomized controlled clinical trial of efficacy in decreasing intraoperative blood loss. J Vasc Interv Radiol 26 : 402-412, 2015
8)日本臨床腫瘍学会 : 骨転移診療ガイドライン.南江堂,2015