今月の臨床 産婦人科で漢方を使いこなす!―漢方診療の新しい潮流をふまえて
1)Shimada M, et al : Effect of TU-100, a traditional Japanese medicine, administered after hepatic resection in patients with liver cancer : a multi-center, phase III trial(JFMC40-1001). Int J Clin Oncol 20 : 95-104, 2015
2)Ishizuka M, et al : Perioperative administration of traditional Japanese herbal medicine Daikenchuto relieves postoperative ileus in patients undergoing surgery for gastrointestinal cancer : a systematic review and meta-analysis. Anticancer Res 37 : 5967-5974, 2017
3)Satoh K, et al : Mechanism of atropine-resistant contraction induced by Dai-kenchu-to in guinea pig ileum. Jpn J Pharmacol 86 : 32-37, 2001
4)Satoh K, et al : Mechanisms for contractile effect of Dai-kenchu-to in isolated guinea pig ileum. Dig Dis Sci 46 : 250-256, 2001
5)Murata P, et al : Effects of Dai-kenchu-to, a herbal medicine, on uterine and intestinal motility. Phytother Res 15 : 302-306, 2001
6)奥野聡子,他 : 術後悪心・嘔吐(PONV)に対する六君子湯による予防的治療.麻酔57 : 1502-1509, 2008
7)Fujitsuka N, et al : Increased ghrelin signaling prolongs survival in mouse models of human aging through activation of sirtuin1. Mol Psychiatry 21 : 1613-1623, 2016
8)Kori K, et al : Go-rei-San, a Kampo medicine, reduces postoperative nausea and vomiting : a prospective, single-blind, randomized trial. J Altern Complement Med 19 : 946-950, 2013
9)三好秋馬,他 : 新たな判定基準によるツムラ大黄甘草湯エキス顆粒(医療用)(TJ-84)の便秘症に対する臨床効果.消化器科22 : 314-328, 1996
10)加藤典博,他 : ALTA(硫酸アルミニウムカリウム・タンニン酸)硬化療法と痔核結紮切除術の併用療法における乙字湯の効果.医と薬学60 : 747-753, 2008
11)岩淵慎助,他 : 芎帰膠艾湯による機能性子宮出血の止血効果 : 西洋薬止血剤との比較.日東医誌50 : 883-890, 2000
12)斎藤信也,他 : 胃癌・大腸癌の手術侵襲に対する漢方補剤TJ-41の効果について.日臨外会誌67 : 568-574, 2006
13)岩垣博巳,他 : 補中益気湯術前投与による術後SIRSの制御.日東医誌61 : 78-83, 2010
14)Jeong JS, et al : Bojungikki-tang for cancer-related fatigue : a pilot randomized clinical trial. Integr Cancer Ther 9 : 331-338, 2010
15)Utsuyama M, et al : Immunological restoration and anti-tumor effect by Japanese herbal medicine in aged mice. Mech Ageing Dev 122 : 341-352, 2001
16)Harada M, et al : Concomitant immunity against tumor development is enhanced by the oral administration of a kampo medicine, Hochu-ekki-to(TJ-41 : Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang). Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol 17 : 687-703, 1995
17)Ohnishi Y, et al : Oral administration of a Kampo(Japanese herbal) medicine Juzen-taiho-to inhibits liver metastasis of colon 26-L5 carcinoma cells. Jpn J Cancer Res 89 : 206-213, 1998
18)水野正彦,他 : 婦人科癌治療後の全身状態改善・体力回復に対する人参養栄湯の臨床評価 ; 非投与群との臨床比較試験.産と婦60 : 1533-1545, 1993
19)渡邊義輝,他 : 外傷および術後のケロイド・肥厚性瘢痕に対する柴苓湯の有用性について.医と薬学67 : 245-249, 2012
20)高瀬信弥,他 : 高齢者の心臓大血管術後に起こるせん妄に対する抑肝散の効果.漢方医34 : 132-134, 2010