合併増大号 今月の臨床 周産期超音波検査バイブル―エキスパートに学ぶ技術と知識のエッセンス
●膀胱は見えるか? 大きさは正常か?
●膀胱は見えるか? 大きさは正常か?
1)Lebowitz RL, et al : Neonatal hydronephrosis : 146 cases. Radiol Clin North Am 15 : 49-59, 1977
2)Havutcu AE, et al : The association between fetal pyelectasis on second trimester ultrasound scan and aneuploidy among 25,586 low risk unselected women. Prenat Diagn 22 : 1201-1206, 2002
3)Thomas DF : Fetal uropathy. Br J Urol 66 : 225-231, 1990
4)Arger PH, et al : Routine fetal genitourinary tract screening. Radiology 156 : 485-489, 1985
5)Pates JA, et al : Prenatal diagnosis and management of hydronephrosis. Early Hum Deve 82 : 3-8, 2006
6)Reznik VM, et al : Follow-up of infants with bilateral renal disease detected in utero. Growth and renal function. Am J Dis Child 142 : 453-456, 1988
7)Fernbach SK, et al : Ultrasound grading of hydronephrosis : introduction to the system used by the Society for Fetal Urology. Pediatr Radiol 23 : 478-480, 1993
8)Hains DS, et al : Management and etiology of the unilateral multicystic dysplastic kidney : a review. Pediatr Nephrol 24 : 233-241, 2009
9)Bianchi DW, et al : Fetology, Diagnosis and Management of the Fetal Patient, Second Edition. pp530-534, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2010
10)Anumba DO, et al : Diagnosis and outcome of fetal lower urinary tract obstruction in the northern region of England. Prenat Diagn 25 : 7-13, 2005
11)Ruano R, et al : Fetal intervention for severe lower urinary tract obstruction : a multicenter case-control study comparing fetal cystoscopy with vesicoamniotic shunting. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 45 : 452-458, 2015
12)Morris RK, et al : Percutaneous vesicoamniotic shunting versus conservative management for fetal lower urinary tract obstruction(PLUTO) : a randomised trial. Lancet 382 : 1496-1506, 2013