合併増大号 今月の臨床 周産期超音波検査バイブル―エキスパートに学ぶ技術と知識のエッセンス
1)Quintero RA, et al : The cocoon sign : a potential sonographic pitfall in the diagnosis of twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 23 : 38-41, 2004
2)Quintero RA, et al : Staging of twin-twin transfusion syndrome. J Perinatol 19 : 550-555, 1999
3)Hayashi S, et al : Manifestation of mirror syndrome after fetoscopic laser photocoagulation in severe twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Fetal Diagn Ther 21 : 51-54, 2006
4)Ishii K, et al : Perinatal outcome of monochorionic twins with selective intrauterine growth restriction and different types of umbilical artery Doppler under expectant management. Fetal Diagn Ther 26 : 157-161, 2009
5)Gratacos E, et al : A classification system for selective intrauterine growth restriction in monochorionic pregnancies according to umbilical artery Doppler flow in the smaller twin. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 30 : 28-34, 2007
6)Lopriore E, et al : Placental characteristics in monochorionic twins with and without twin anemia-polycythemia sequence. Obstet Gynecol 112 : 753-758, 2008
7)Slaghekke F, et al : Laser surgery as a management option for twin anemia-polycythemia sequence. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 44 : 304-310, 2014
8)Slaghekke F, et al : Twin anemia-polycythemia sequence : diagnostic criteria, classification, perinatal management and outcome. Fetal Diagn Ther 27 : 181-190, 2010
9)Tollenaar LSA, et al : Improved prediction of twin anemia-polycythemia sequence by delta middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity : new antenatal classification system. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 53 : 788-793, 2019
10)Bamberg C, et al : Quantified discordant placental echogenicity in twin anemia-polycythemia sequence(TAPS)and middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 52 : 373-377, 2018
11)Sugibayashi R, et al : Forty cases of twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence treated with radio frequency ablation using the multistep coagulation method : a single-center experience. Prenat Diagn 36 : 437-443, 2016