今月の臨床 胎盤・臍帯・羊水異常の徹底理解―病態から診断・治療まで
1)Yamanaka M, et al : Umbilical cord ulceration and intestinal atresia. Umbilical cord ulceration and intestinal atresia. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 70 : 209-212, 1996
2)Kimura T, et al : Umbilical cord ulcer associated with fetal jejunal atresia : report of 2 cases. Fetal Diagn Ther 218 : 144-147, 2003
3)Ohyama M, et al : Umbilical cord ulcer : a serious in utero complication of intestinal atresia. Placenta 21 : 432-435, 2000
4)Ichinose M, et al : Pathological analysis of umbilical cord ulceration associated with fetal duodenal and jejunal atresia. Placenta 31 : 1015-1018, 2010
5)Aronowitz D, et al : Perinatal hemorrhage from ulceration of the umbilical cord : A potentially catastrophic association with duodenal and jejunal obstruction. J Pediatric Surg 53 : 1669-1674, 2018
6)大山牧子,他 : 新生児稀有疾患サーベイランス対象疾患報告臍帯潰瘍を合併した小腸閉鎖.日未熟児新生児会誌20 : 104-109, 2008
7)Bendon RW, et al : Umbilical cord ulceration and intestinal atresia : a new association? Am J Obstet Gynecol 164 : 582-586, 1991
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9)Nakamura A, et al : Umbilical cord ulcer and intrauterine death in fetal intestinal atresia. Fetal Diagn Ther 46 : 313-318, 2019
10)Katsura D, et al : Prenatal diagnosis of umbilical cord ulcer : a report of two cases. Case Rep Obstet Gynecol 2019 : 3768761, 2019
11)Curtin WM, et al : Hemorrhage from umbilical cord ulceration identified on real-time ultrasound in a fetus with duodenal atresia. Case Rep Obstet Gynecol 2019 : 2680170, 2019