今月の臨床 論文作成の戦略―アクセプトを勝ちとるために
1)Chan A-W, et al : Discrepancies in sample size calculations and data analyses reported in randomised trials : comparison of publications with protocols. BMJ 337 : a2299, 2008
2)Ioannidis JPA, et al : Better reporting of harms in randomized trials : an extension of the CONSORT statement. Ann Intern Med 141 : 781-788, 2004
3)Schulz KF, et al : Multiplicity in randomised trials I : endpoints and treatments. Lancet 365 : 1591-1595, 2005
4)Freiman JA, et al : The importance of beta, the type II error and sample size in the design and interpretation of the randomized control trial. Survey of 71 “negative” trials. N Engl J Med 299 : 690-694, 1978
5)Yazici Y, et al : Most tumour necrosis factor inhibitor trials in rheumatology are undeservedly called ‘efficacy and safety’ trials : a survey of power considerations. Rheumatol 47 : 1054-1057, 2008
6)Liang KY, et al : Longitudinal data analysis using generalized linear models. Biometrika 73 : 13-22, 1986
7)Fitzmaurice GM, et al : Applied longitudinal analysis. Wiley, New York, 2004
8)Wood AM, et al : Are missing outcome data adequately handled? A review of published randomized controlled trials in major medical journals. Clin Trials 1 : 368-376, 2004
9)Little RJ, et al : Statistical analysis with missing data, 2nd ed. Wiley, New York, 2002
10)Siddiqui O, et al : MMRM vs. LOCF : a comprehensive comparison based on simulation study and 25 NDA datasets. J Biopharm Stat 19 : 227-246, 2009
11)Rubin D : Multiple imputation for nonresponse in surveys. Wiley, New York, 1987
12)Akacha M, et al : Estimands and their role in clinical trials. Stat Biopharm Res 9 : 268-271, 2017