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今月の臨床 着床環境の改善はどこまで可能か?―エキスパートに聞く最新研究と具体的対処法



著者: 久須美真紀1 野間桃1 堤治1

所属機関: 1山王病院リプロダクション・婦人科内視鏡治療センター

ページ範囲:P.1205 - P.1210






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2)Khalifa E, et al : Sonographic appearance of the endometrium : the predictive value for the outcome of in-vitro fertilization in stimulated cycles. Hum Reprod 7 : 677-680, 1992
3)Abdalla HI, et al : Endometrial thickness : a predictor of implantation in ovum recipients? Hum Reprod 9 : 363-365, 1994
4)Azumaguchi A, et al : Role of dilatation and curettage performed for spontaneous or induced abortion in the etiology of endometrial thinning. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 43 : 523-529, 2017
5)Chang Y, et al : Autologous platelet-rich plasma promotes endometrial growth and improves pregnancy outcome during in vitro fertilization. Int J Clin Exp Med 8 : 1286-1290, 2015
6)Zadehmodarres S, et al : Treatment of thin endometrium with autologous platelet-rich plasma : a pilot study. JBRA Assist Reprod 21 : 54-56, 2017, 2017
7)Eftekhar M, et al : Can autologous platelet rich plasma expand endometrial thickness and improve pregnancy rate during frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycle? A randomized clinical trial. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol 57 : 810-813, 2018
8)Nazari L, et al : Effects of autologous platelet-rich plasma on endometrial expansion in patients undergoing frozen-thawed embryo transfer : a double-blind RCT. Int J Reprod Biomed 17 : 445-448, 2019
9)Kusumi M, et al : Intrauterine administration of platelet-rich plasma improves embryo implantation by increasing the endometrial thickness in women with repeated implantation failure : a single-arm self-controlled trial. Reprod Med Biol 19 : 350-356, 2020
10)Nazari L, et al : The effects of autologous platelet-rich plasma in repeated implantation failure : a randomized controlled trial. Hum Fertil 23 : 209-213, 2020
11)Sfakianoudis K, et al : Successful implantation and live birth following autologous platelet-rich plasma treatment for a patient with recurrent implantation failure and chronic endometritis. In Vivo 33 : 515-521, 2019
12)Aghajanova L, et al : In vitro evidence that platelet-rich plasma stimulates cellular processes involved in endometrial regeneration. J Assist Reprod Genet 35 : 757-770, 2018





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