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今月の臨床 着床環境の改善はどこまで可能か?―エキスパートに聞く最新研究と具体的対処法



著者: 後藤栄1

所属機関: 1後藤レディースクリニック

ページ範囲:P.1226 - P.1235


●SEET法および二段階胚移植はimplantation windowを拡大し着床率を高める可能性がある.





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7)Goto S, et al : Stimulation of endometrium embryo transfer can improve implantation and pregnancy rates for patients undergoing assisted reproductive technology for the first time with a high-grade blastocyst. Fertil Steril 92 : 1264-1268, 2009
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11)Loutradis D, et al : A double embryo transfer on day s 2 and 4 or 5 improves pregnancy outcome in patients with good embryos but repeated failures in IVF or ICSI. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol 31 : 63-66, 2004
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14)Aikawa S, et al : Lysophosphatidic acid as a lipid mediator with multiple biological actions. J Biochem 152 : 81-89, 2015
15)Goto S, et al : Original first report of detection of lysophosphatidic acids(LPAs) and analysis of LPA quantity in a human embryo-conditioned medium. J Mamm Ova Res 32 : 57-66, 2015
16)Cuman C, et al : Human blastocyst secreted microRNA regulate endometrial epithelial cell adhesion. EBio Medicine 2 : 1528-1535, 2015
17)Galliano D, et al : MicroRNA and implantation. Fertil Steril 101 : 1531-1544, 2014
18)Homer H, et al : Embryo- and endometrium-derived exosomes and their potential role in assisted reproductive treatments-liquid biopsies forendometrial receptivity. Placenta 54 : 89-94, 2017
19)Liang J, et al : Role of microRNAs in embryo implantation. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 15 : 90, 2017
20)Nguyen HP, et al : Extracellular vesicles in the intrauterine environment : Challenges and potential functions. Biol Reprod 95 : 109, 2016
21)Rosenbluth EM, et al : Human embryos secrete microRNAs into culture media―a potential biomarker for implantation. Fertil Steril 101 : 1493-500, 2014
22)Tehraninejad ES, et al : Stimulation of the endometrium with high-grade blastocyst culture supernatant(SEHB)can improve pregnancy outcome for couples undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI) : a randomized clinical trial. Arch Gynecol Obstet 285 : 1167-1171, 2012
23)Kamath MS, et al : Uterine flushing with supernatant embryo culture medium in vitrified warmed blastocyst transfer cycles : a randomized controlled trial.J Assist Reprod Genet 32 : 225-231, 2015
24)Prapas Y, et al : Injection of embryo culture supernatant to the endometrial cavity does not affect outcomes in IVF/ICSI or oocyte donation cycles : a randomized clinical trial. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 162 : 169-173, 2012
25)Zhu W, et al : Injection of day 2 embryo culture supernatant into the uterine cavity did not improve the pregnancy rate of day 3 embryo transfer in patients who underwent in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer : a randomized clinical trial. Fertil Steril 93 : 2216-2221, 2010





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