今月の臨床 着床環境の改善はどこまで可能か?―エキスパートに聞く最新研究と具体的対処法
●子宮内細菌叢に占めるLactobacillus 属の割合と体外受精成績の相関が報告されている.
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4)Fettweis JM, et al : The vaginal microbiome and preterm birth. Nat Med 25 : 1012-1021, 2019
5)Walther-António MRS, et al : Potential contribution of the uterine microbiome in the development of endometrial cancer. Genome Med 8 : 1-15, 2016
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9)Pelzer ES, et al : Microorganisms within human follicular fluid : effects on IVF. PLoS One 8 : e59062, 2013
10)Mitchell CM, et al : Colonization of the upper genital tract by vaginal bacterial species in nonpregnant women. Am J Obstet Gynecol 212 : 611.e1-611.e9, 2015
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12)Chen C, et al : The microbiota continuum along the female reproductive tract and its relation to uterine-related diseases. Nat Commun 8 : 875, 2017
13)Ono C, et al : Staphylococcus epidermidis is involved in a mechanism for female reproduction in mice. Regen Ther 1 : 11-17, 2015
14)Selman H, et al : Examination of bacterial contamination at the time of embryo transfer, and its impact on the IVF/pregnancy outcome. J Assist Reprod Genet 24 : 395-399, 2007
15)Salim R, et al : Bacterial colonization of the uterine cervix and success rate in assisted reproduction : Results of a prospective survey. Hum Reprod 17 : 337-340, 2002
16)Moore DE, et al : Bacteria in the transfer catheter tip influence the live-birth rate after in vitro fertilization. Fertil Steril 74 : 1118-1124, 2000
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19)Franasiak JM, et al : Endometrial microbiome at the time of embryo transfer : next-generation sequencing of the 16S ribosomal subunit. J Assist Reprod Genet 33 : 129-136, 2016