今月の臨床 徹底解説! 卵巣がんの最新治療―複雑化する治療を整理する
1)I Vergote, et al : Phase 3 randomisedstudy of canfosfamide(Telcyta, TLK286) versus pegylated liposomal doxorubicin or topotecan as third-line therapy in patients with platinum-refractory or -resistant ovarian cancer. Eur J Cancer 45 : 2324-2332, 2009
2)Felicia Roncolato, et al : ASCO ANNUAL MEETING ‘16
3)Gordon AN, et al : Recurrent epithelial ovarian carcinoma : a randomized phase IIIstudy of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin versus topotecan. J Clin Oncol 19 : 3312-3322, 2001
4)Katsumata N, et al : Phase II clinical trial of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin(JNS002)in Japanese patients with mullerian carcinoma(epithelial ovarian carcinoma, primary carcinoma of fallopian tube, peritoneal carcinoma)having a therapeutic history of platinum-based chemotherapy : a Phase IIStudy of the Japanese Gynecologic Oncology Group. Jpn J Clin Oncol : 777-785, 2008
5)Ten Bokkel Huinink W, et al : Long-term survival in a phase III, randomisedstudy of topotecan versus paclitaxel in advanced epithelial ovarian carcinoma. Ann Oncol 15 : 100-103, 2004
6)D'Agostino G, et al : Phase IIstudy of gemcitabine in recurrent platinum-and paclitaxel-resistant ovarian cancer. Gynecol Onco 88 : 266-269, 2003
7)Ferrandina G, et al : Phase III trial of gemcitabine compared with pegylated liposomal doxorubicin in progressive or recurrent ovarian cancer. J Clin Oncol 26 : 890-896, 2008
8)Mutch DG, et al : Randomized phase III trial of gemcitabine compared with pegylated liposomal doxorubicin in patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer. J Clin Oncol 25 : 2811-2818, 2007
9)Kita T, et al : The effect of single weekly paclitaxel in heavily pretreated patients with recurrent or persistent advanced ovarian cancer. Gynecol Oncol 92 : 813-818, 2004
10)Katsumata N, et al : A phase II trial of docetaxel in platinum pre-treated patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer : a Japanese cooperativestudy. Ann Oncol 11 : 1531-1536, 2000
11)Rose PG, et al : Prolonged oral etoposide as second-line therapy for platinum-resistant and platinum-sensitive ovarian carcinoma : a Gynecologic Oncology Groupstudy. J Clin Oncol 16 : 405-410, 1998
12)Matsumoto K, et al : The safety and efficacy of the weekly dosing of irinotecan for platinum- and taxanes-resistant epithelial ovarian cancer. Gynecol Oncol 100 : 412-416(Epub), 2005
13)Pujade-Lauraine E, et al : Bevacizumab combined with chemotherapy for platinum-resistant recurrent ovarian cancer : The AURELIA open-label randomized phase III trial. J Clin Oncol 32 : 1302-1308, 2014
14)ASCO 2018, Abstract No.5506