今月の臨床 エコチル調査から見えてきた周産期の新たなリスク要因
1)Garon N, et al : Temperament and its association with autism symptoms in a high-risk population. J Abnorm Child Psychol 44 : 757-769, 2016
2)Gardener H, et al : Perinatal and neonatal risk factors for autism : a comprehensive meta-analysis. Pediatrics 128 : 344-355, 2011
3)Hultman CM, et al : Perinatal risk factors for infantile autism. Epidemiology 13 : 417-423, 2002
4)DiPietro JA, et al : Prenatal origins of temperamental reactivity in early infancy. Early Hum Dev 84 : 569-575, 2008
5)DiPietro JA, et al : Fetal antecedents of infant temperament. Child Dev 67 : 2568-2583, 1996
6)Spencer JA : Clinical overview of cardiotocography. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 100 : 4-7, 1993
7)Devoe, L : Electronic fetal monitoring : does it really lead to better outcomes? Am J Obstet Gynecol 204 : 455-456, 2011
8)Neilson DR, et al : Signal ambiguity resulting in unexpected outcome with external fetal heart rate monitoring. Am J Obstet Gynecol 198 : 717-724, 2008
9)Alfirevic Z, et al : Continuous cardiotocography(CTG)as a form of electronic fetal monitoring(EFM)for fetal assessment during labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2 : CD006066, 2013
10)Pinas A, et al : Continuous cardiotocography during labour : Analysis, classification and management. BestPract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol 30 : 33-47, 2016
11)Riley RJ, et al : Collecting and analyzing cord blood gases. Clin Obstet Gynecol 36 : 13-23, 1993
12)Casey BM, et al : The continuing value of the Apgar score for the assessment of newborn infants. N Engl J Med 344 : 467-471, 2001
13)Kusaka R, et al : Crying and behavioral characteristics in premature infants. J Jpn Phys Ther Assoc 11 : 15-21, 2008
14)Ohgi S, et al : Neonatal behavioural profile and crying in premature infants at term age. Acta Paediatr 95 : 1375-1380, 2006
15)Garon N, et al : Temperament and its association with autism symptoms in a high-risk population. J Abnorm Child Psychol 44 : 757-769, 2016
16)Morokuma S, et al : Non-reassuring foetalstatus and neonatal irritability in the Japan Environment and Children's Study : A cohort study. Sci Rep 8 : 15853, 2018
17)Schlotz W, et al : Prenatal origins of temperament : fetal growth, brainstructure, and inhibitory control in adolescence. PLoS One 9 : e96715, 2014
18)Schlotz W, et al : Fetal origins of mental health : evidence and mechanisms. Brain Behav Immun 23 : 905-916, 2009
19)Räikkönen K, et al : Early determinants of mental health. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab 26 : 599-611, 2012
20)O'Donnell KJ, et al : Fetal origins of mental health : The developmental origins of health and disease hypothesis. Am J Psychiatry 174 : 319-328, 2017
21)Knuesel I, et al : Maternal immune activation and abnormal brain development across CNS disorders. Nat Rev Neurol 10 : 643-660, 2014
22)Roza SJ, et al : Intrauterine growth and infant temperamental difficulties : the Generation RStudy. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 47 : 264-272, 2008
23)Katahira K, et al : Individual differences in heart rate variability are associated with the avoidance of negative emotional events. Biol Psychol 103 : 322-331, 2014
24)Gillie BL, et al : Heart rate variability predicts control over memory retrieval. Psychol Sci 25 : 458-465, 2014
25)Morokuma S, et al : Association between exposure to air pollution during pregnancy and false positives in fetal heart rate monitoring. Sci Rep 7 : 12421, 2017
26)Estes ML, et al : Maternal immune activation : Implications for neuropsychiatric disorders. Science 19 : 772-777, 2016
27)Careaga M, et al : Maternal immune activation and autism spectrum disorder : from rodents to nonhuman and human primates. Biol Psychiatry 81 : 391-401, 2017
28)Oida E, et al : Physiological significance of absolute heart rate variability in postural change. Acta Physiol Scand 165 : 421-422, 1999
29)Stoolmiller M : Implications of the restricted range of family environments for estimates of heritability and nonshared environment in behavior-genetic adoptionstudies. Psychol Bull 125 : 392-409, 1999
30)Jenkins JM, et al : The role of the shared family context in differential parenting. Dev Psychol 39 : 99-113, 2003
31)Bornstein MH, et al : Infant temperamentstability by age, gender, birth order, termstatus, and socioeconomicstatus. Child Dev 86 : 844-863, 2015
32)秋山千枝子:【研修医のための乳幼児健診のすすめ】健診の場で「育てにくい」子どもの発見と対応(解説/特集).小児診療79 : 615-620, 2016