今月の臨床 外来でみる子宮内膜症診療―患者特性に応じた管理・投薬のコツ
1)Dun EC, et al : Endometriosis in adolescents. JSLS 19 : e2015.00019, 2015
2)Janssen EB, et al : Prevalence of endometriosis diagnosed by laparoscopy in adolescents with dysmenorrhea or chronic pelvic pain : a systematic review. Hum Reprod Update 19 : 570-582, 2013
3)Missmer SA, et al : The epidemiology of endometriosis. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am 30 : 1-19, 2003
4)Nnoaham KE, et al : Is early age at menarche a risk factor for endometriosis? A systematic review and meta-analysis of case-controlstudies. FertilSteril 98 : 702-712.e6, 2012
5)Treloar SA, et al : Early menstrual characteristics associated with subsequent diagnosis of endometriosis. Am J Obstet Gynecol 202 : 534.e1-e6, 2010
6)Bulletti C, et al : Characteristics of uterine contractility during menses in women with mild to moderate endometriosis. FertilSteril 77 : 1156-1161, 2002
7)Kataoka M, et al : Dysmenorrhea : evaluation with cine-mode-display MR imaging : initial experience. Radiology 235 : 124-131, 2005
8)Darrow SL, et al : Menstrual cycle characteristics and the risk of endometriosis. Epidemiology 4 : 135-142, 1993
9)Matalliotakis IM, et al : Epidemiological characteristics in women with and without endometriosis in the Yale series. Arch Gynecol Obstet 277 : 389-393, 2008
10)Ballweg ML : Big picture of endometriosis helps provide guidance on approach to teens : comparative historical data show endostarting younger, is more severe. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 16(3 Suppl) : S21-S26, 2003
11)HudelistG, et al : Diagnostic delay for endometriosis in Austria and Germany : causes and possible consequences. Hum Reprod 27 : 3412-3416, 2012
12)Ballard K, et al : What's the delay? A qualitativestudy of women's experiences of reaching a diagnosis of endometriosis. FertilSteril 86 : 1296-1301, 2006
13)Smorgick N, et al : Advancedstage endometriosis in adolescents and young women. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 27 : 320-323, 2014
14)Kikuchi I, et al : Recurrence rate of endometriomas following a laparoscopic cystectomy. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 85 : 1120-1124, 2006
15)Sengoku K, et al : Clinicopathologic risk factors for recurrence of ovarian endometrioma following laparoscopic cystectomy. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 92 : 278-284, 2013
16)Ouchi N, et al : Recurrence of ovarian endometrioma after laparoscopic excision : risk factors and prevention. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 40 : 230-236, 2014
17)Laufer MR, et al : Prevalence of endometriosis in adolescent girls with chronic pelvic pain not responding to conventional therapy. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 10 : 199-202, 1997
18)Smorgick N, et al : Prevalence of pain syndromes, mood conditions, and asthma in adolescents and young women with endometriosis. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 26 : 171-175, 2013
19)Kitawaki J, et al : Usefulness and limits of CA-125 in diagnosis of endometriosis without associated ovarian endometriomas. Hum Reprod 20 : 1999-2003, 2005
20)ACOG Committee Opinion No. 760 : dysmenorrhea and endometriosis in the adolescent. Obstet Gynecol 132 : E249-E258, 2018
21)ESHRE guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis. http://guidelines.endometriosis.org/adolescents.html
22)Liu X, et al : Surgical History and the risk of endometriosis : a hospital-based case-control study. Reprod Sci 23 : 1217-1224, 2016
23)Benagiano G, et al : Progress in the diagnosis and management of adolescent endometriosis : an opinion. Reprod Biomed Online 36 : 102-114, 2017
24)Vercellini P, et al : Oral contraceptives and risk of endometriosis : a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hum Reprod Update 17 : 159-170, 2011
25)TuFF,et al : The influence of prior oral contraceptive use on risk of endometriosis is conditional on parity. FertilSteril 101 : 1697-1704, 2014
26)日本産科婦人科学会 : CQ116 何歳から服用開始できるか?.低用量経口避妊薬,低用量エストロゲン・プロゲスチン配合薬ガイドライン(OC・LEPガイドライン)2015年度版.pp26-27,日本産科婦人科学会,2015
27)Kitawaki J, et al : Maintenance therapy involving a tapering dose of danazol or mid/low doses of oral contraceptive after gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonisttreatment for endometriosis-associated pelvic pain. FertilSteril 89 : 1831-1835, 2008
28)Kitawaki J, et al : Maintenance therapy with dienogestfollowing gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonisttreatment for endometriosis-associated pelvic pain. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 157 : 212-216, 2011