合併増大号 今月の臨床 生殖医療の基礎知識アップデート―患者説明に役立つ最新エビデンス・最新データ 一般不妊治療 特定の不妊原因に関する検査・治療
著者: 木村文則1
所属機関: 1滋賀医科大学産科学婦人科学講座
ページ範囲:P.87 - P.93
1)Moreno I, et al : Deciphering the effect of reproductive tract microbiota on human reproduction. Reprod Med Biol 18 : 40-50, 2019
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4)Moreno I, et al : Evidence that the endometrial microbiota has an effect on implantation success or failure. Am J Obstet Gynecol 215 : 684-703, 2016
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12)Kimura F, et al : Review : Chronic endometritis and its effect on reproduction. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 45 : 951-960, 2019
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19)Cicinelli E, et al : Chronic endometritis in patients with unexplained infertility : Prevalence and effects of antibiotic treatment on spontaneous conception. Am J Reprod Immunol 79 : e12782, 2018
20)Liu Y, et al : Comparison of the prevalence of chronic endometritis as determined by means of different diagnostic methods in women with and without reproductive failure. Fertil Steril 109 : 832-839, 2018
21)Johnston-MacAnanny EB, et al : Chronic endometritis is a frequent finding in women with recurrent implantation failure after in vitro fertilization. Fertil Steril 93 : 437-441, 2010
22)Song D, et al : Prevalence and confounders of chronic endometritis in premenopausal women with abnormal bleeding or reproductive failure. Reprod Biomed Online 36 : 78-83, 2018
23)Tersoglio AE, et al : Repeated implantation failure in oocyte donation. What to do to improve the endometrial receptivity? JBRA Assist Reprod 19 : 44-52, 2015
24)Yang R, et al : The hysteroscopy and histological diagnosis and treatment value of chronic endometritis in recurrent implantation failure patients. Arch Gynecol Obstet 289 : 1363-1369, 2014
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26)Kitaya K : Prevalence of chronic endometritis in recurrent miscarriages. Fertil Steril 95 : 1156-1158, 2011
27)Cicinelli E, et al : Chronic endometritis due to common bacteria is prevalent in women with recurrent miscarriage as confirmed by improved pregnancy outcome after antibiotic treatment. Reprod Sci 21 : 640-647, 2014
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30)Fan X, et al : Endometrial CD138 count appears to be a negative prognostic indicator for patients who have experienced previous embryo transfer failure. Fertil Steril 112 : 1103-1111, 2019
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34)Cicinelli E, et al : Unified diagnostic criteria for chronic endometritis at fluid hysteroscopy : proposal and reliability evaluation through an international randomized-controlled observer study. Fertil Steril 112 : 162-173. e2, 2019
35)Moreno I, et al : The diagnosis of chronic endometritis in infertile asymptomatic women : a comparative study of histology, microbial cultures, hysteroscopy, and molecular microbiology. Am J Obstet Gynecol 218 : 602. e1-602.e16, 2018
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37)Cicinelli E, et al : Prevalence of chronic endometritis in repeated unexplained implantation failure and the IVF success rate after antibiotic therapy. Hum Reprod 30 : 323-330, 2015
38)Vitagliano A, et al : Effects of chronic endometritis therapy on in vitro fertilization outcome in women with repeated implantation failure : a systematic review and meta-analysis. Fertil Steril 110 : 103-112.e1, 2018
39)Zhang Y, et al : Confirmation of chronic endometritis in repeated implantation failure and success outcome in IVF-ET after intrauterine delivery of the combined administration of antibiotic and dexamethasone. Am J Reprod Immunol 82 : e13177, 2019
40)Sfakianoudis K, et al : Successful implantation and live birth following autologous platelet-rich plasma treatment for a patient with recurrent implantation failure and chronic endometritis. In Vivo 33 : 515-521, 2019