今月の臨床 プレコンセプションケアにどう取り組むか―いつ,誰に,何をする?
プレコンセプションケアの実際 : 基礎疾患のある患者への家族計画・妊娠前指導
1)Patton GC, et al : Adolescence and the next generation. Nature 554 : 458-466, 2018
2)日本神経学会(監修) : てんかん診療ガイドライン2018.医学書院,2018
3)Stephen LJ, et al : Management of epilepsy in women. Lancet Neurol 18 : 481-491, 2019
4)Meador KJ, et al : Fetal antiepileptic drug exposure and cognitive outcomes at age 6 years(NEAD study): a prospective observational study.Lancet Neurol 12 : 244-252, 2013
5)Tomson T, et al : Comparative risk of major congenital malformations with eight different antiepileptic drugs : a prospective cohort study of the EURAP registry. Lancet Neurol 17 : 530-538, 2018
6)伊藤真也,他 : 向精神薬と妊娠・授乳,改訂2版.南山堂,2017
7)Simoila L, et al : Schizophrenia and pregnancy : a national register-based follow-up study among Finnish women born between 1965 and 1980. Arch Womens Ment Health 23 : 91-100, 2020
8)Miller LJ : Sexuality, reproduction, and family planning in women with schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull 23 : 623-635, 1997
9)Tosato S, et al : A systematized review of atypical antipsychotics in pregnant women : balancing between risks of untreated illness and risks of drug-related adverse effects. J Clin Psychiatry 78 : e477-e489, 2017
10)Lin HC, et al : Maternal schizophrenia and pregnancy outcome : does the use of antipsychotics make a difference? Schizophr Res 116 : 55-60, 2010
11)Nilsson E, et al : Women with schizophrenia : pregnancy outcome and infant death among their offspring. Schizophr Res 58 : 221-229, 2002
12)Edinoff AN, et al : Hyperprolactinemia, clinical considerations, and infertility in women on antipsychotic medications. Psychopharmacol Bull 51 : 131-148, 2021
13)Wang Z,et al : Prenatal exposure to antipsychotic agents and the risk of congenital malformations in children : A systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Clin Pharmacol, 2021(in press)
14)Grigoriadis S, et al : Maternal anxiety during pregnancy and the association with adverse perinatal outcomes : systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Psychiatry 79 : 17r12011, 2018
15)Field T : Prenatal anxiety effects : a review. Infant Behav Dev 49 : 120-128, 2017
16)Ross LE, et al : Anxiety disorders during pregnancy and the postpartum period : a systematic review. J Clin Psychiatry 67 : 1285-1298, 2006
17)Martini J, et al : The course of panic disorder during the peripartum period and the risk for adverse child development : a prospective-longitudinal study. J Affect Disord 266 : 722-730, 2020
18)National Institute for Health and Care Excellence : NICE Clinical guideline[CG192] : Antenatal and postnatal mental health clinical management and service guidance updated edition. NICE Clinical Guidelines No. 192, 2014