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今月の臨床 頸管熟化と子宮収縮の徹底理解!―安全な分娩誘発・計画分娩のために



著者: 鈴木俊治1

所属機関: 1葛飾赤十字産院産婦人科

ページ範囲:P.449 - P.455






1)日本産科婦人科学会,他(編) : CQ405 社会的適応による分娩誘発を行う際の留意点は? 産婦人科診療ガイドライン―産科編2020.pp204-205,日本産科婦人科学会,2020
2)Grobman WA, et al : Labor induction versus expectant management in low-risk nulliparous women. N Engl J Med 379 : 513-523, 2018
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9)日本産科婦人科学会,他(編) : CQ409 妊娠41週以降妊婦の取り扱いは? 産婦人科診療ガイドライン―産科編2020.pp220-222,日本産科婦人科学会,2020
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14)日本産科婦人科学会,他(編) : CQ303 前期破水の取り扱いは? 産婦人科診療ガイドライン―産科編2020.pp142-146,日本産科婦人科学会,2020
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17)日本産科婦人科学会,他(編) : CQ310 巨大児(推定体重4,000g以上)が疑われる妊婦への対応は? 産婦人科診療ガイドライン―産科編2020.pp181-185,日本産科婦人科学会,2020
18)日本産科婦人科学会,他(編) : CQ310 巨大児(推定体重4,000g以上)が疑われる症例の取り扱いは? 産婦人科診療ガイドライン―産科編2014.pp178-181,日本産科婦人科学会,2014
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20)Suzuki S : Fetal macrosomia : induction of labour or expectant management? Lancet 386 : 1629, 2015
21)Ibiebele I, et al : Childhood health and education outcomes following early term induction for large-for-gestational age : a population-based record linkage study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 98 : 423-432, 2019
22)Moldéus K, et al : Induction of labor versus expectant management of large-for-gestational-age infants in nulliparous women. PLoS One 12 : e0180748, 2017
23)Boulvain M, et al : Induction of labour at or near term for suspected fetal macrosomia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016 : CD000938, 2016
24)Lee VR, et al : Term elective induction of labour and perinatal outcomes in obese women : retrospective cohort study. BJOG 123 : 271-278, 2016
25)Pickens CMG, et al : Term elective induction of labor and pregnancy outcomes among obese women and their offspring. Obstet Gynecol 131 : 12-22, 2018
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28)Walker KF, et al : Randomized trial of labor induction in women 35 years of age or older. N Engl J Med 374 : 813-822, 2016
29)Knight HE, et al : Perinatal mortality associated with induction of labour versus expectant management in nulliparous women aged 35 years or over : An English national cohort study. PLoS Med 14 : e1002425, 2017
30)日本産科婦人科学会,他(編) : CQ309-2 妊娠高血圧症候群と診断されたら? 産婦人科診療ガイドライン―産科編2020.pp172-176,日本産科婦人科学会,2020
31)日本産科婦人科学会,他(編) : CQ309-1 妊娠高血圧腎症の診断と取り扱いは? 産婦人科診療ガイドライン―産科編2014.pp168-172,日本産科婦人科学会,2014
32)Koopmans CM, et al : Induction of labour versus expectant monitoring for gestational hypertension or mild pre-eclampsia after 36 weeks' gestation(HYPITAT): a multicentre, open-label randomised controlled trial. Lancet 374 : 979-988, 2009
33)Broekhuijsen K, et al : Immediate delivery versus expectant monitoring for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy between 34 and 37 weeks of gestation(HYPITAT-II) : an open-label, randomised controlled trial. Lancet 385 : 2492-2501, 2015
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35)American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists' Committee on Practice Bulletins―Obstetrics : Gestational hypertension and preeclampsia : ACOG Practice Bulletin, Number 222. Obstet Gynecol 135 : e237-e260, 2020





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