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今月の臨床 エキスパートに聞く 耐性菌と院内感染―産婦人科医に必要な基礎知識



著者: 宇野俊介1 長谷川直樹1

所属機関: 1慶應義塾大学医学部感染症学

ページ範囲:P.783 - P.790





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25)Lewis GJ, et al : Decreased resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa with restriction of ciprofloxacin in a large teaching hospital's intensive care and intermediate care units. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 33 : 368-373, 2012
26)Roger PM, et al : Factors associated with effective reassessment of antibiotic therapy on day 3. Med Mal Infect 43 : 123-127, 2013
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29)Alvarez-Moreno CA, et al : Risk of invasive fungal infections during hospital construction : how to minimize its impact in immunocompromised patients. Curr Opin Infect Dis 32 : 322-329, 2019





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