今月の臨床 産科手術を極める(Ⅰ)―妊娠中の処置・手術
1)鈴森伸宏 : 出生前診断.永井良三(総監修) : 産婦人科研修ノート,改訂第3版.pp148-150,診断と治療社,2019
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4)Chitty LS, et al : Fetal nuchal translucency scan and early prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities by rapid aneuploidy screening : observational study. BMJ 332 : 452-455, 2006
5)Sananes N, et al : Nuchal translucency and cystic hygroma colli in screening for fetal major congenital heart defects in a series of 12,910 euploid pregnancies.Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 35 : 273-279, 2010
6)Bianchi DW, et al : Sequencing of circulating cell-free DNA during pregnancy. N Engl J Med 379 : 464-473, 2018
7)Suzumori N, et al : Non-specific psychological distress in women undergoing noninvasive prenatal testing because of advanced maternal age. Prenat Diagn 34 : 1055-1060, 2014
8)Morgan S, et al : Impact of introducing a national policy for prenatal Down syndrome screening on the diagnostic invasive procedure rate in England. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 41 : 526-529, 2013
9)Hook EB : Chromosome abnormalities and spontaneous fetal death following amniocentesis : Further data and association with maternal age. Am J Hum Genet 35 : 110-116, 1983
10)Test and Technology Transfer Committee : Technical and clinical assessment of fluorescence in situ hybridization : an ACMG/ASHG position statement. I.Technical considerations. Genet Med 2 : 356-361, 2000
11)American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Genetics : Committee Opinion No.581 : the use of chromosomal microarray analysis in prenatal diagnosis. Obstet Gynecol 122 : 1374-1377, 2013
12)Breman A, et al : Prenatal chromosomal microarray analysis in a diagnostic laboratory ; experience with>1000 cases and review of the literature. Prenat Diagn 32 : 351-361, 2012
13)鈴森伸宏 : やさしくわかる産科婦人科検査マスターブック 羊水検査.産と婦(増) 87 : 51-54, 2020
14)鈴森伸宏 : 出生前診断と生命倫理〜染色体異常を中心として〜「羊水・絨毛検査」.周産期医45 : 679-682, 2015