今月の臨床 女性医学から読み解くメタボリック症候群―専門医のための必須知識
1)勝田新一郎 : 血圧の短期調節機構.動物の循環器53 : 1-11, 2020
2)勝田新一郎 : 血圧の長期調節機構.動物の循環器54 : 1-14, 2021
3)Maric-Bilkan C, et al : Impact of ovarian function on cardiovascular health in women : focus on hypertension. Int J Womens Health 6 : 131-139, 2014
4)Dubey RK, et al : Sex hormones and hypertension. Cardiovasc Res 53 : 688-708, 2002
5)Pechère-Bertschi A, et al : Female sex hormones, salt, and blood pressure regulation. Am J Hypertens 17 : 994-1001, 2004
6)Moretti C, et al : Androgens and hypertension in men and women : a unifying view. Curr Hypertens Rep 19 : 44, 2017
7)Wenner MM, et al : Blood pressure and water regulation : understanding sex hormone effects within and between men and women. J Physiol 590 : 5949-5961, 2012
8)Cannoletta M, et al : Modification of blood pressure in postmenopausal women : role of hormone replacement therapy. Int J Womens Health 6 : 745-757, 2014
9)Greenberg G, et al : Blood pressure and the menstrual cycle. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 92 : 1010-1014, 1985
10)Dunne FP, et al : Changes in blood pressure during the normal menstrual cycle. Clin Sci(Lond) 81 : 515-518, 1991
11)Bertone-Johnson ER, et al : Association of premenstrual syndrome with blood pressure in young adult women. J Womens Health(Larchmt) 25 : 1122-1128, 2016