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今月の臨床 生殖医療の安全性―どんなリスクと留意点があるのか?



著者: 岩佐武1 野口拓樹1 内芝舞実1 山本由理1

所属機関: 1徳島大学大学院医歯薬学研究部産科婦人科学分野

ページ範囲:P.1112 - P.1117






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4)日本産科婦人科学会生殖内分泌委員会報告(平成5年度生殖医学登録報告(第5報); 平成4年分の臨床実施成績).日産婦誌46 : 1269-1277, 1994
5)Takeshima K, et al : Impact of single embryo transfer policy on perinatal outcomes in fresh and frozen cycles-analysis of the Japanese Assisted Reproduction Technology registry between 2007 and 2012. Fertil Steril 105 : 337-346, 2012
6)Gardner DK, et al : Single blastocyst transfer : a prospective randomized trial. Fertil Steril 81 : 551-555, 2004
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9)Ryan GL, et al : A mandatory single blastocyst transfer policy with educational campaign in a United States IVF program reduces multiple gestation rates without sacrificing pregnancy rates. Fertil Steril 88 : 354-360, 2007
10)Csokmay JM, et al : Experience with a patient-friendly, mandatory, single-blastocyst transfer policy : the power of one. Fertil Steril 96 : 580-584, 2011
11)Forman EJ, et al : Single embryo transfer with comprehensive chromosome screening results in improved ongoing pregnancy rates and decreased miscarriage rates. Hum Reprod 27 : 1217-1222, 2012
12)Forman EJ, et al : In vitro fertilization with single euploid blastocyst transfer : a randomized controlled trial. Fertil Steril 100 : 100-107.e1, 2013
13)Ikemoto Y, et al : Prevalence and risk factors of zygotic splitting after 937,848 single embryo transfer cycles. Hum Reprod 33 : 1984-1991, 2018
14)Kanter JR, et al : Trends and correlates of monozygotic twinning after single embryo transfer. Obstet Gynecol 125 : 111-117, 2015
15)Busnelli A, et al : Risk factors for monozygotic twinning after in vitro fertilization : a systematic review and meta-analysis. Fertil Steril 111 : 302-317, 2019
16)Moayeri SE, et al : Risk of monozygotic twinning with blastocyst transfer decreases over time : an 8-year experience. Fertil Steril 87 : 1028-1032, 2007
17)野口拓樹,他 : 徳島県内における不妊治療による多胎発生を減少させる取り組みについて : アンケート調査を通じた啓発活動.徳島産婦人科医報(掲載予定)





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