今月の臨床 生殖医療の安全性―どんなリスクと留意点があるのか?
1)Berntsen S, et al : The health of children conceived by ART : ‘the chicken or the egg?’. Hum Reprod Update 25 : 137-158, 2019
2)Zaat T, et al : Fresh versus frozen embryo transfers in assisted reproduction. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2 : CD011184, 2021
3)日本生殖医学会(編・監修) : 生殖医療ガイドライン.pp94-96,日本生殖医学会,2021
4)Bay B, et al : Childhood growth of singletons conceived following in vitro fertilisation or intracytoplasmic sperm injection : a systematic review and meta-analysis. BJOG 126 : 158-166, 2019
5)Hann M, et al : The growth of assisted reproductive treatment-conceived children from birth to 5 years : a national cohort study. BMC Med 16 : 224, 2018
6)Ainsworth AJ, et al : Fresh versus frozen embryo transfer has no effect on childhood weight. Fertil Steril 112 : 684-690.e1, 2019
7)Magnus MC, et al : Growth in children conceived by ART. Hum Reprod 36 : 1074-1082, 2021
8)Miyake T, et al : Neurological development in 36-month-old children conceived via assisted reproductive technology : the Japan Environment and Children's Study. Reprod Med Biol 21 : e12457, 2022
9)Vuong LN, et al : Development of children born from freeze-only versus fresh embryo transfer : follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Fertil Steril 114 : 558-566, 2020
10)Farhi A, et al : Cognitive achievements in school-age children born following assisted reproductive technology treatments : a prospective study. Early Hum Dev 155 : 105327, 2021
11)Norrman E, et al : School performance in singletons born after assisted reproductive technology. Hum Reprod 33 : 1948-1959, 2018
12)Norrman E, et al : School performance in children born after ICSI. Hum Reprod 35 : 340-354, 2020
13)Wang C, et al : Assisted reproductive techniques, ADHD, and school performance. Pediatrics 148 : e2020033183, 2021
14)Liu L, et al : Association between assisted reproductive technology and the risk of autism spectrum disorders in the offspring : a meta-analysis. Sci Rep 7 : 46207, 2017
15)Andreadou MT, et al : Association of assisted reproductive technology with autism spectrum disorder in the offspring : an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Pediatr 180 : 2741-2755, 2021
16)Djuwantono T, et al : Risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in children born from different ART treatments : a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Neurodev Disord 12 : 33, 2020
17)Wang C, et al : Long-term follow-up of psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents conceived by assisted reproductive techniques in Sweden. JAMA Psychiatry 79 : 133-142, 2022