今月の臨床 帝王切開分娩のすべて―この1冊でわかるNew Normal Standard
1)Beckett VA, et al : The CAPS study : incidence, management and outcomes of cardiac arrest in pregnancy in the UK : a prospective, descriptive study. BJOG 124 : 1374-1381, 2017
2)chaap TP, et al : Maternal cardiac arrest in the Netherlands : a nationwide surveillance study. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 237 : 145-150, 2019
3)Katz VL : Perimortem cesarean delivery : its role in maternal mortality. Semin Perinatol 36 : 68-72, 2012
4)Clifton W. Callaway, et al : advanced life support : 2015 international consensus on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care science with treatment recommendation. Circulation 132(16 Spple1) : S84-S145, 2015
5)日本蘇生協議会(監修) : 妊産婦の蘇生.JRC蘇生ガイドライン2020.pp265-277,医学書院,2021
6)Katz V, et al : Perimortem cesarean delivery : were our assumptions correct? Am J Obstet Gynecol 192 : 1916-1920, 2005
7)Kobori S, et al : Utility and limitations of perimortem cesarean section : a nationwide survey in Japan. J Obstet Gynecol Res 45 : 325-330, 2018
8)Lipman S, et al : The society for obstetric anesthesia and perinatology consensus statement on the management of cardiac arrest in pregnancy. Anesth Analg 118 : 1003-1016, 2014
9)渡邊 灯,他 : 心肺停止し搬送された妊婦に死線期帝王切開を施行した一例.日産婦新生児血会誌 29 : 39-40, 2019
10)Einav S, et al : Maternal cardiac arrest and perimortem cesarean delivery ; evidence or expert-based? Resuscitation 83 : 1191-1200, 2012
11)Goto M, et al : Perimortem cesarean delivery and subsequent emergency hysterectomy : new strategy for maternal cardiac arrest. Acute Med Surg 4 : 467-471, 2017
12)Lipman S, et al : Labor room setting compared with the operating room for simulated perimortem cesarean delivery : a randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol 118 : 1090-1094, 2011