今月の臨床 帝王切開分娩のすべて―この1冊でわかるNew Normal Standard
1)Jeejeebhoy FM, et al : Cardiac arrest in pregnancy : a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation 132 : 1747-1773, 2015
2)Moors X, et al : Analysis of prehospital perimortem caesarean deliveries performed by Helicopter Emergency Medical Services in the Netherlands and recommendations for the future. Resuscitation 155 : 112-118, 2020
3)日本蘇生協議会(監修) : 妊産婦の蘇生.JRC蘇生ガイドライン2020.pp265-77,医学書院,2021
4)産科麻酔に参加しよう 麻酔科医のための「産科プロフェッショナル・セミナー」ウェブサイト.http://sankamasui.kenkyuukai.jp
5)米国心臓協会 : CPRおよびECCのガイドライン2020 ハイライト.https://cpr.heart.org/-/media/CPR-Files/CPR-Guidelines-Files/Highlights/Hghlghts_2020ECCGuidelines_Japanese.pdf
6)Beckett VA, et al : The CAPS Study : incidence, management andoutcomes of cardiac arrest in pregnancy in theUK : a prospective, descriptive study. BJOG 124 : 1374-1381, 2017
7)Kobori S, et al : Utility and limitations of perimortem cesarean section : a nationwide survey in Japan. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 45 : 325-330, 2019
8)Gando S, et al : Disseminated intravascular coagulation in cardiac arrest and resuscitation. J Thromb Haemost 17 : 1205-1216, 2019
9)Panchal AR, et al : Part 3 : Adult basic and advanced life support : 2020 American Heart Association Guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Circulation 142(16 suppl(2)) : S366-S468, 2020