今月の臨床 妊娠初期の経過異常とその対処―流産・異所性妊娠・絨毛性疾患の診断と治療
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5)Mavrelos D, et al : Efficacy and safety of a clinical protocol for expectant management of selected women diagnosed with a tubal ectopic pregnancy. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 42 : 102-107, 2013
6)日本産科婦人科学会 : 産婦人科診療ガイドライン―産科編2020.pp116-117, 2020
7)Kirk E, et al : Ectopic pregnancy : using the b-hCG ratio to select women for expectant or medical management. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 90 : 264-272, 2011
8)van Mello NM, et al : Methotrexate or expectant management in women with an ectopic pregnancy or pregnancy of unknown location and low serum hCG concentrations? A randomized comparison. Hum Reprod 28 : 60-67, 2013