今月の臨床 妊娠初期の経過異常とその対処―流産・異所性妊娠・絨毛性疾患の診断と治療
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10)和田尚子,他 : 子宮温存が可能であった子宮頸管妊娠の一例.青森臨婦産誌25 : 59-63, 2010
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12)Timor-Tritsch IE, et al : Foley balloon catheter to prevent or manage bleeding during treatment for cervical and Cesarean scar pregnancy. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 46 : 118-123, 2015
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15)Chauleur C, et al : Serious primary post-partum hemorrhage, arterial embolization and future fertility : a retrospective study of 46 cases. Hum Reprod 23 : 1553-1559, 2008
16)斉藤央,他 : 頸管妊娠子宮動脈塞栓術治療後の癒着胎盤の1例.日産婦中四合同地方誌52 : 42-49, 2003
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