増刊号 最新の不妊診療がわかる!―生殖補助医療を中心とした新たな治療体系
第2章 生殖補助医療とその手技 胚培養―着床率の高い受精卵を選別して妊娠率を向上させる
1)Mastenbroek S, et al : In vitro fertilization with preimplantation genetic screening. N Engl J Med 357 : 9-17, 2007
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3)Checa MA, et al : IVF/ICSI with or without preimplantation genetic screening for aneuploidy in couples without genetic disorders : a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Assist Reprod Genet 26 : 273-283, 2009
4)Kushnir VA, et al : Effectiveness of in vitro fertilization with preimplantation genetic screening : a reanalysis of United States assisted reproductive technology data 2011-2012. Fertil Steril 106 : 75-79, 2016
5)Chen M, et al : Can comprehensive chromosome screening technology improve IVF/ICSI outcomes? A meta-analysis. PLoS One 10 : e0140779, 2015
6)Dahdouh EM, et al : Comprehensive chromosome screening improves embryo selection : a meta-analysis. Fertil Steril 104 : 1503-1512, 2015
7)van Montfoort A, et al : ESHRE PGT Consortium data collection XIX-XX : PGT analyses from 2016 to 2017. Hum Reprod Open 2021 : hoab024, 2021
8)Harton GL, et al ; PGD Practitioners Group : Diminished effect of maternal age on implantation after preimplantation genetic diagnosis with array comparative genomic hybridization. Fertil Steril 100 : 1695-1703, 2013
9)Franasiak JM, et al : The nature of aneuploidy with increasing age of the female partner : a review of 15,169 consecutive trophectoderm biopsies evaluated with comprehensive chromosomal screening. Fertil Steril 101 : 656-663, 2014
10)Munné S, et al : Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy versus morphology as selection criteria for single frozen-thawed embryo transfer in good-prognosis patients : a multicenter randomized clinical trial. Fertil Steril 112 : 1071-1079.e7, 2019
11)Simopoulou M, et al : PGT-A : who and when? Α systematic review and network meta-analysis of RCTs. J Assist Reprod Genet 38 : 1939-1957, 2021
12)Irani M, et al : Does maternal age at retrieval influence the implantation potential of euploid blastocysts? Am J Obstet Gynecol 220 : 379.e1-379.e7, 2019
13)Stephenson MD : Frequency of factors associated with habitual abortion in 197 couples. Fertil Steril 66 : 24-29, 1996
14)Hodes-Wertz B, et al : Idiopathic recurrent miscarriage is caused mostly by aneuploid embryos. Fertil Steril 98 : 675-680, 2012
15)Sugiura-Ogasawara M, et al : Abnormal embryonic karyotype is the most frequent cause of recurrent miscarriage. Hum Reprod 27 : 2297-2303, 2012
16)Sui YL, et al : In vitro fertilization with single-nucleotide polymorphism microarray-based preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy significantly improves clinical outcomes in infertile women with recurrent pregnancy loss : a randomized controlled trial. Reprod Dev Med 4 : 32-41, 2020
17)Bhatt SJ, et al : Pregnancy outcomes following in vitro fertilization frozen embryo transfer(IVF-FET)with or without preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy(PGT-A)in women with recurrent pregnancy loss(RPL) : a SART-CORS study. Hum Reprod 36 : 2339-2344, 2021
18)Greco E, et al : Comparative genomic hybridization selection of blastocysts for repeated implantation failure treatment : a pilot study. Biomed Res Int 2014 : 457913, 2014
19)Tong J, et al : Next-generation sequencing(NGS)-based preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy(PGT-A)of trophectoderm biopsy for recurrent implantation failure(RIF) patients : a retrospective study. Reprod Sci 28 : 1923-1929, 2021
20)Kort JD, et al : Are blastocyst aneuploidy rates different between fertile and infertile populations? J Assist Reprod Genet 35 : 403-408, 2018
21)Munné S, et al : Detection of mosaicism at blastocyst stage with the use of high-resolution next-generation sequencing. Fertil Steril 107 : 1085-1091, 2017
22)Martín Á, et al : The morphokinetic signature of mosaic embryos : evidence in support of their own genetic identity. Fertil Steril 116 : 165-173, 2021
23)Spinella F, et al : Extent of chromosomal mosaicism influences the clinical outcome of in vitro fertilization treatments. Fertil Steril 109 : 77-83, 2018
24)Munné S, et al : Clinical outcomes after the transfer of blastocysts characterized as mosaic by high resolution Next Generation Sequencing- further insights. Eur J Med Genet 63 : 103741, 2020
25)Zhang L, et al : Rates of live birth after mosaic embryo transfer compared with euploid embryo transfer. J Assist Reprod Genet 36 : 165-172, 2019
26)Zhang YX, et al : The pregnancy outcome of mosaic embryo transfer : a prospective multicenter study and meta-analysis. Genes(Basel) 11 : 973, 2020
27)PGDIS Newsletter, PGDIS position statement on chromosome mosaicism and preimplantation aneuploidy testing at the blastocyst stage. July 19, 2016 https://www.pgdis.org/docs/newsletter_071816.html
28)Cram DS, et al : PGDIS position statement on the transfer of mosaic embryos 2019. Reprod Biomed Online 39(Suppl 1) : e1-e4, 2019
29)Mourad A, et al : Evidence-based clinical prioritization of embryos with mosaic results : a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Assist Reprod Genet 38 : 2849-2860, 2021
30)COGEN position statement on chromosomal mosaicism detected in preimplantation blastocyst biopsies. 2016 https://ivf-worldwide.com/cogen/general/cogen-statement.html
31)Bunnell M E, et al : Should embryos with autosomal monosomy by preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy be transferred? : Implications for embryo selection from a systematic literature review of autosomal monosomy survivors. Prenat Diagn 37 : 1273-1280, 2017
32)Victor AR, et al : One hundred mosaic embryos transferred prospectively in a single clinic : exploring when and why they result in healthy pregnancies. Fertil Steril 111 :280-293, 2019
33)Grati FR, et al : An evidence-based scoring system for prioritizing mosaic aneuploid embryos following preimplantation genetic screening. Reprod Biomed Online 36 : 442-449, 2018
34)He H, et al : Neonatal outcomes of live births after blastocyst biopsy in preimplantation genetic testing cycles : a follow-up of 1,721 children. Fertil Steril 112 : 82-88, 2019
35)Heijligers M, et al : Growth, health, and motor development of 5-year-old children born after preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Fertil Steril 111 : 1151-1158, 2019
36)Gleicher N, et al : Further evidence against use of PGS in poor prognosis patients : report of normal births after transfer of embryos reported as aneuploid. Fertil Steril 104(suppl 3) : e59, 2015
37)Greco E, et al : Healthy babies after intrauterine transfer of mosaic aneuploid blastocysts. N Engl J Med 373 : 2089-2090, 2015
38)Liu YL, et al : Healthy live births after mosaic blastocyst transfers with the use of next-generation sequencing. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol 58 : 872-876, 2019
39)Abhari S, et al : Pregnancy and neonatal outcomes after transfer of mosaic embryos : a review. J Clin Med 10 : 1369, 2021
40)Kahraman S, et al : The birth of a baby with mosaicism resulting from a known mosaic embryo transfer : a case report. Hum Reprod 35 : 727-733, 2020
41)Rito T, et al : Self-correction of aneuploidy in human blastocysts and self-organizing gastruloids. Fertil Steril 112(suppl 3) : e127, 2019