増刊号 最新の不妊診療がわかる!―生殖補助医療を中心とした新たな治療体系
第2章 生殖補助医療とその手技 胚移植と子宮内環境―良好な子宮内環境に受精卵を確実に移植する
▶着床時期検査は着床できる時期(着床の窓)を推測する検査.現在の日本で実施可能なのは,スペインIgenomix社のERA検査と米国Cooper Surgical社のERPeak検査である.
▶着床時期検査は着床できる時期(着床の窓)を推測する検査.現在の日本で実施可能なのは,スペインIgenomix社のERA検査と米国Cooper Surgical社のERPeak検査である.
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2)Diaz-Gimeno P, et al : The accuracy and reproducibility of the endometrial receptivity array is superior to histology as a diagnostic method for endometrial receptivity. Fertil Steril 99 : 508-517, 2013
3)Ruiz-Alonso M, et al : The endometrial receptivity array for diagnosis and personalized embryo transfer as a treatment for patients with repeated implantation failure. Fertil Steril 100 : 818-824, 2013
4)Ruiz-Alonso M, et al : What a difference two days make : “personalized” embryo transfer(pET)paradigm : a case report and pilot study. Hum Reprod 29 : 1244-1247, 2014
5)Sato H, et al : Abdominal pregnancy implanted on surface of pedunculated subserosal uterine leiomyoma : a case report. Case Rep Womens Health 24 : e00149, 2019
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7)日本産科婦人科学会 登録・調査小委員会報告 データブックAvailable at : http://plaza.umin.ac.jp/〜jsog-art/20121017data3.pdf
8)Tan J, et al : The role of the endometrial receptivity array(ERA)in patients who have failed euploid embryo transfer. J Assist Reprod Genet 35 : 683-692, 2018
9)Ben Rafael Z : Endometrial receptivity analysis(ERA)test : an unproven technology. Hum Reprod Open 2021 : hoab010, 2021
10)Lessey BA,et al : What exactly is endometrial receptivity? Fertil Steril 111 : 611-617, 2019
11)Cooper Surgical. ERPeakSM endometrial receptivity test. Available at : https://coopersurgical.marketport.net/MarketingZone/MZDirect/Source/2eb5ccd0-338e-43ee-b6d6-82281a9ae699
12)Bassil R, et al : Does the endometrial receptivity array really provide personalized embryo transfer? J Assist Reprod Genet 35 : 1301-1305, 2018
13)Bergin K, et al : The use of propensity score matching to assess the benefit of the endometrial receptivity analysis in frozen embryo transfers. Fertil Steril 116 : 396-403, 2021
14)Simón C, et al : ERA-RCT Study Consortium Group : A 5-year multicentre randomized controlled trial comparing personalized, frozen and fresh blastocyst transfer in IVF. Reprod Biomed Online 41 : 402-415, 2020