増刊号 最新の不妊診療がわかる!―生殖補助医療を中心とした新たな治療体系
第3章 生殖補助医療の調節卵巣刺激 卵巣刺激薬
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4)Kato K, et al : Comparison of pregnancy outcomes following fresh and electively frozen single blastocyst transfer in natural cycle and clomiphene-stimulated IVF cycles. Hum Reprod Open 201 : hoy006, 2018
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6)Fukuda J, et al : Administering human chorionic gonadotropin injections for triggering follicle maturation could impact fertility during the subsequent menstrual cycle. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 132 : 309-313, 2016
7)Kawachiya S, et al : Short-term, low-dose, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug application diminishes premature ovulation in natural-cycle IVF. Reprod Biomed Online 24 : 308-313, 2012
8)Athanasiou S, et al : Effects of indomethacin on follicular structure, vascularity, and function over the periovulatory period in women. Fertil Steril 65 : 556-560, 1996
9)Kawachiya S, et al : The effectiveness of clomiphene citrate in suppressing the LH surge in the minimal stimulation protocol. Fertil Steril 86 : 751, 2006
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11)谷田部典之 : Mild stimulationのポイントは? 産婦の実際66(増) : 1617-1626,2017
12)福田淳一郎 : 本邦における自然周期ARTの現状ならびに当院成績との比較.日受精着床会誌38 : 240-246, 2021
13)Nishihara S, et al : Does the endometrial thickness on the day of the trigger affect the pregnancy outcomes after fresh cleaved embryo transfer in the clomiphene citrate-based minimal stimulation cycle? Reprod Med Biol 19 : 151-157, 2020