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今月の臨床 妊娠時の栄養とマイナートラブル豆知識―妊娠生活を快適に過ごすアドバイス



著者: 中井章人1

所属機関: 1日本医科大学多摩永山病院女性診療科・産科

ページ範囲:P.410 - P.415






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2)Ruiter L, et al : Incidence and recurrence rate of placental abruption : a longitudinal linked national cohort study in the Netherlands. Am J Obstet Gynecol 213 : 573.e1-573.e8, 2015
3)Voskamp BJ, et al : Recurrence of small-for-gestational-age pregnancy : analysis of first and subsequent singleton pregnancies in The Netherlands. Am J Obstet Gynecol 208 : 374.e1-374.e6, 2013
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12)Funai EF, et al : Long-term mortality after preeclampsia. Epidemiology 16 : 206-215, 2005
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16)Wen SW, et al : Folic acid supplementation in pregnancy and the risk of pre-eclampsia-a cohort study. PLoS One 11 : e0149818, 2016
17)Nilsen RM, et al : Folic acid and multivitamin supplement use and risk of placental abruption : a population-based registry study. Am J Epidemiol 167 : 867-874, 2008
18)Haider BA, et al : Multiple-micronutrient supplementation for women during pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (11) : CD004905, 2015
19)Liu X, et al : Folic acid supplementation, dietary folate intake and risk of preterm birth in China. Eur J Nutr 55 : 1411-1422, 2016
20)Klai S, et al : Association of MTHFR A1298C polymorphism(but not of MTHFR C677T) with elevated homocysteine levels and placental vasculopathies. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 22 : 374-378, 2011





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