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今月の臨床 妊娠時の栄養とマイナートラブル豆知識―妊娠生活を快適に過ごすアドバイス



著者: 目時弘仁1

所属機関: 1東北医科薬科大学医学部衛生学・公衆衛生学教室

ページ範囲:P.429 - P.434






1)Michikawa T, et al : Baseline profile of participants in the Japan Environment and Children's Study(JECS). J Epidemiol 28 : 99-104, 2018
2)Iwama N, et al : Association between alcohol consumption during pregnancy and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in Japan : the Japan Environment and Children's Study. Hypertens Res 42 : 85-94, 2019
3)Ishitsuka K, et al : Determinants of alcohol consumption in women before and after awareness of conception. Matern Child Health J 24 : 165-176, 2020
4)Ohira S, et al : Alcohol consumption during pregnancy and risk of placental abnormality : the Japan Environment and Children's Study. Sci Rep 9 : 10259, 2019
5)Ikehara S, et al : Association between maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy and risk of preterm delivery : the Japan Environment and Children's Study. BJOG 126 : 1448-1454, 2019
6)Millwood IY, et al : Conventional and genetic evidence on alcohol and vascular disease aetiology : a prospective study of 500 000 men and women in China. Lancet 393 : 1831-1842, 2019
7)Cho K, et al : Prenatal alcohol exposure and adverse fetal growth restriction : findings from the Japan Environment and Children's Study. Pediatr Res, 2021(in press)
8)Tanaka K, et al : Higher prevalence of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in women who smoke : the Japan environment and children's study. Hypertens Res 42 : 558-566, 2019
9)Cui M, et al : Prenatal tobacco smoking is associated with postpartum depression in Japanese pregnant women : the japan environment and children's study. J Affect Disord 264 : 76-81, 2020
10)Suzuki K, et al : Association between maternal smoking during pregnancy and birth weight : an appropriately adjusted model from the Japan Environment and Children's Study. J Epidemiol 26 : 371-377, 2016
11)Tsuchida A, et al : Association between maternal smoking history and congenital anomalies in children : results from the Japan Environment and Children's Study. Congenit Anom(Kyoto) 61 : 159-168, 2021
12)Mitsuda N, et al : Association between maternal active smoking during pregnancy and placental weight : the Japan environment and Children's study. Placenta 94 : 48-53, 2020
13)Wada T, et al : Maternal exposure to smoking and infant's wheeze and asthma : Japan Environment and Children's Study. Allergol Int 70 : 445-451, 2021





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