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今月の臨床 子宮内膜症の最新知識―この1冊で重要ポイントを網羅する



著者: 明樂重夫1

所属機関: 1明理会東京大和病院

ページ範囲:P.650 - P.656







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2)Barfort C, et al : Laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 10 : CD011031, 2020
3)日本産科婦人科学会(編) : 子宮内膜症取扱い規約第2部診療編,第3版.pp53-54,金原出版,2021
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6)Kitajima M, et al : Endometriomas as a possible cause of reduced ovarian reserve in women with endometriosis. Fertil Steril 96 : 685-691, 2011
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12)Iwase A, et al : Serum anti-Müllerian hormone level is a useful marker for evaluating the impact of laparoscopic cystectomy on ovarian reserve. Fertil Steril 94 : 2846-2849, 2010
13)Hirokawa W, et al : The post-operative decline in serum anti-Mullerian hormone correlates with the bilaterality and severity of endometriosis. Hum Reprod 26 : 904-910, 2011
14)日本産科婦人科学会(編) : 子宮内膜症取扱い規約第2部診療編,第3版.pp45-49,金原出版,2021
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16)Canis M, et al : Surgical arrows should be identified on the cyst wall. Fertil Steril 99 : e7, 2013
17)Papaleo E, et al : Deep pelvic endometriosis negatively affects ovarian reserve and the number of oocytes retrieved for in vitro fertilization. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 90 : 878-884, 2011
18)Shervin A, et al : Fertility outcome after laparoscopic treatment of advanced endometriosis in two groups of infertile patients with and without ovarian endometrioma. Eur J stet Gynecol Reprod Biol 201 : 46-50, 2016
19)日本産科婦人科学会(編) : 子宮内膜症取扱い規約第2部診療編,第3版.pp50-52,金原出版,2021
20)明樂重夫 : 凍結骨盤に対する機能温存手術.日産婦会誌65 : N124-N130, 2013
21)Ueda Y, et al : A retrospective analysis of ovarian endometriosis during pregnancy. Fertil Steril 94 : 78-84, 2010
22)Muzii L, et al : Histologic analysis of specimens from laparoscopic endometrioma excision performed by different surgeons : does the surgeon matter? Fertil Steril 95 : 2116-2119, 2011





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