今月の臨床 子宮内膜症の最新知識―この1冊で重要ポイントを網羅する
●卵巣明細胞癌の発生にはARID1A 遺伝子変異,PIK3CA 遺伝子変異,TP53の機能抑制がかかわり,SWI/SNF複合体,PI3K-mTOR経路が重要である.
●卵巣類内膜癌の発生にはCTNNB1 遺伝子変異,PTEN 遺伝子変異がかかわり,βカテニン経路にかかわるAPCやPTENが重要である.またERが高発現しており,女性ホルモン依存性がある.
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3)Mandai M, et al : Ovarian cancer in endometriosis : molecular biology, pathology, and clinical management. Int J Clin Oncol 14 : 383-391, 2009
4)Pearce CL, et al : Association between endometriosis and risk of histological subtypes of ovarian cancer : a pooled analysis of case-control studies. Lancet Oncol 13 : 385-394, 2012
5)小畑 孝 : 卵巣チョコレート嚢胞の癌化―その発生メカニズムと鑑別診断.日エンドメトリオーシス会誌 30 : 11, 2009
6)Khoja L, et al : Endometriosis and menopausal hormone therapy impact the hysterectomy-ovarian cancer association. Gynecol Oncol 164 : 195-201, 2022
7)Charbonneau B, et al : Risk of ovarian cancer and the NF-κB pathway : genetic association with IL1A and TNFSF10. Cancer Res 74 : 852-861, 2014
8)Anglesio MS, et al : Cancer-associated mutations in endometriosis without cancer. N Engl J Med 376 : 1835-1848, 2017
9)Suda K, et al : Clonal Expansion and diversification of cancer-associated mutations in endometriosis and normal endometrium. Cell Rep 24 : 1777-1789, 2018
10)Suda K, et al : Clonal lineage from normal endometrium to ovarian clear cell carcinoma through ovarian endometriosis. Cancer Sci 111 : 3000-3009, 2020
11)Moore L, et al : The mutational landscape of normal human endometrial epithelium. Nature 580 : 640-646, 2020
12)Wiegand KC, et al : ARID1A mutations in endometriosis-associated ovarian carcinomas. N Engl J Med 363 : 1532-1543, 2010
13)Jones S, et al : Frequent mutations of chromatin remodeling gene ARID1A in ovarian clear cell carcinoma. Science 330 : 228-231, 2010
14)Yachida N, et al : ARID1A protein expression is retained in ovarian endometriosis with ARID1A loss-of-function mutations : implication for the two-hit hypothesis. Sci Rep 10 : 14260, 2020
15)Murakami R, et al : Exome sequencing landscape analysis in ovarian clear cell carcinoma shed light on key chromosomal regions and mutation gene networks. Am J Pathol 187 : 2246-2258, 2017
16)Abou-Taleb H, et al : Comprehensive assessment of the expression of the SWI/SNF complex defines two distinct prognostic subtypes of ovarian clear cell carcinoma. Oncotarget 7 : 54758-54770, 2016
17)Hashiguchi Y, et al : PTEN expression in clear cell adenocarcinoma of the ovary. Gynecol Oncol 101 : 71-75, 2006
18)Amemiya S, et al : Malignant transformation of endometriosis and genetic alterations of K-ras and microsatellite instability. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 86 : 371-376, 2004
19)Murakami K, et al : Frequent PIK3CA mutations in eutopic endometrium of patients with ovarian clear cell carcinoma. Mod Pathol 34 : 2071-2079, 2021
20)Chandler RL, et al : Coexistent ARID1A-PIK3CA mutations promote ovarian clear-cell tumorigenesis through pro-tumorigenic inflammatory cytokine signalling. Nat Commun 6 : 6118, 2015
21)Bischoff FZ, et al : Somatic DNA alterations in endometriosis : high frequency of chromosome 17 and p53 loss in late-stage endometriosis. J Reprod Immunol 55 : 49-64, 2002
22)Makii C, et al : MDM2 is a potential therapeutic target and prognostic factor for ovarian clear cell carcinomas with wild type TP53. Oncotarget 7 : 75328-75338, 2016
23)Dinulescu DM, et al : Role of K-ras and Pten in the development of mouse models of endometriosis and endometrioid ovarian cancer. Nat Med 11 : 63-70, 2005
24)Okuda T, et al : p53 mutations and overexpression affect prognosis of ovarian endometrioid cancer but not clear cell cancer. Gynecol Oncol 88 : 318-325, 2003
25)Wu R, et al : Mouse model of human ovarian endometrioid adenocarcinoma based on somatic defects in the Wnt/beta-catenin and PI3K/Pten signaling pathways. Cancer Cell 11 : 321-333, 2007
26)van der Horst PH, et al : A mouse model for endometrioid ovarian cancer arising from the distal oviduct. Int J Cancer 135 : 1028-1037, 2014
27)Guan B, et al : Roles of deletion of Arid1a, a tumor suppressor, in mouse ovarian tumorigenesis. J Natl Cancer Inst 106 : dju146, 2014
28)Cochrane DR, et al : Clear cell and endometrioid carcinomas : are their differences attributable to distinct cells of origin? J Pathol 243 : 26-36, 2017
29)Tsuchiya A, et al : Expression profiling in ovarian clear cell carcinoma : identification of hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 beta as a molecular marker and a possible molecular target for therapy of ovarian clear cell carcinoma. Am J Pathol 163 : 2503-2512, 2003
30)Yamaguchi K, et al : Contents of endometriotic cysts, especially the high concentration of free iron, are a possible cause of carcinogenesis in the cysts through the iron-induced persistent oxidative stress. Clin Cancer Res 14 : 32-40, 2008
31)Yamaguchi K, et al : Identification of an ovarian clear cell carcinoma gene signature that reflects inherent disease biology and the carcinogenic processes. Oncogene 29 : 1741-1752, 2010
32)Yamaguchi K, et al : Epigenetic determinants of ovarian clear cell carcinoma biology. Int J Cancer 135 : 585-597, 2014
33)Yamaguchi K, et al : Epigenetic and genetic dispositions of ovarian carcinomas. Oncoscience 1 : 574-579, 2014
34)Okamoto T, et al : Hepatocyte nuclear factor-1β(HNF-1β)promotes glucose uptake and glycolytic activity in ovarian clear cell carcinoma. Mol Carcinog 54 : 35-49, 2015
35)Amano Y, et al : Metabolic alterations caused by HNF1β expression in ovarian clear cell carcinoma contribute to cell survival. Oncotarget 6 : 26002-26017, 2015
36)Kitamura S, et al : PDK2 leads to cisplatin resistance through suppression of mitochondrial function in ovarian clear cell carcinoma. Cancer Sci 112 : 4627-4640, 2021
37)Yamaguchi K, et al : Acquired evolution of mitochondrial metabolism regulated by hnf1b in ovarian clear cell carcinoma. Cancers(Basel) : 13 : 2413, 2021