今月の臨床 HPVワクチン勧奨再開―いま知りたいことのすべて
1)国立がん研究センター「健診ガイドライン作成と科学的根拠基づくがん検診推進のための研究」班 : 有効性評価に基づく子宮頸がん検診ガイドライン2019年度版.国立がん研究センター社会と健康研究センター,2020
2)Ronco G, et al : Efficacy of human papillomavirus testing for the detection of invasive cervical cancers and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia : a randomised controlled trial. Lancet Oncol 11 : 249-57, 2010
3)Rijkaart DC, et al : Human papillomavirus testing for the detection of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cancer : final results of the POBASCAM randomised controlled trial. Lancet Oncol 13 : 78-88, 2012
4)Leinonen MK, et al : Detection rates of precancerous and cancerous cervical lesions within one screening round of primary human papillomavirus DNA testing : prospective randomised trial in Finland. BMJ 345 : e7789, 2012
5)Kitchener HC, et al : A comparison of HPV DNA testing and liquid based cytology over three rounds of primary cervical screening : extended follow up in the ARTISTIC trial. Eur J Cancer 47 : 864-871, 2011
6)Naucler P, et al : Human papillomavirus and Papanicolaou tests to screen for cervical cancer. N Engl J Med 357 : 1589-1597, 2007
7)Ogilvie GS, et al : HPV for cervical cancer screening(HPV FOCAL): Complete Round 1 results of a randomized trial comparing HPV-based primary screening to liquid-based cytology for cervical cancer. Int J Cancer 140 : 440-448, 2017
8)Frable WJ : Error reduction and risk management in cytopathology. Semin Diagn Pathol 24 : 77-88, 2007
9)Christopherson WM, et al : Control of cervical cancer. Preliminary report on community program. JAMA 182 : 179-182, 1962
10)Kovacic MB, et al : Relationships of human papillomavirus type, qualitative viral load, and age with cytologic abnormality. Cancer Res 66 : 10112-10119, 2006
11)Tota JE, et al : Introduction of molecular HPV testing as the primary technology in cervical cancer screening : Acting on evidence to change the current paradigm. Prev Med 98 : 5-14, 2017
12)Arbyn M, et al : Prevaccination distribution of human papillomavirus types in women attending at cervical cancer screening in Belgium. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 18 : 321-330, 2009
13)Herrero R, et al : Epidemiologic profile of type-specific human papillomavirus infection and cervical neoplasia in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. J Infect Dis 191 : 1796-1807, 2005
14)Kjaer SK, et al : Population-based prevalence, type- and age-specific distribution of HPV in women before introduction of an HPV-vaccination program in Denmark. Int J Cancer 123 : 1864-1870, 2008
15)Kurokawa T, et al : The ideal strategy for cervical cancer screening in Japan : result from the Fukui Cervical Cancer Screening Study. Cytopathology 29 : 361-367, 2018
16)Schiffman M, et al : Human papillomavirus and cervical cancer. Lancet 370 : 890-907, 2007
17)Inturrisi F, et al : Risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or worse in HPV-positive women with normal cytology and five-year type concordance : a randomized comparison. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 30 : 485-491, 2021
18)Hashim D, et al : Real-world data on cervical cancer risk stratification by cytology and HPV genotype to inform the management of HPV-positive women in routine cervical screening. Br J Cancer 122 : 1715-1723, 2020
19)Perkins RB, et al : 2019 ASCCP risk-based management consensus guidelines for abnormal cervical cancer screening tests and cancer precursors. J Low Genit Tract Dis 24 : 102-131, 2020
20)Hall MT, et al : Projected future impact of HPV vaccination and primary HPV screening on cervical cancer rates from 2017-2035 : example from Australia. PLoS One 13 : e0185332, 2018
21)藤井多久磨,他 : 【子宮頸がん予防―日本はどうする?―】HPVワクチン接種プログラムは子宮頸がん検診をどのように変えるのか? 産婦の実際69 : 275-283, 2020
22)Kono K, et al : The first-round results of a population-based cohort study of HPV testing in Japanese cervical cancer screening : baseline characteristics, screening results, and referral rate. J Gynecol Oncol 32 : E29, 2021
23)Wentzensen N, et al : Clinical evaluation of human papillomavirus screening with p16/Ki-67 dual stain triage in a large organized cervical cancer screening program. JAMA Intern Med 179 : 881-888, 2019