今月の臨床 胎児発育のすべて―FGRから巨大児まで
1)Catalano PM, et al : Is it time to revisit the Pedersen hypothesis in the face of the obesity epidemic? Am J Obstet Gynecol 204 : 479-487, 2011
2)Kalter-Leibovici O, et al : Screening and Diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus : critical appraisal of the new International Association of Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group recommendations on a national level. Diabetes Care 35 : 1894-1896, 2012
3)Knopp RH, et al : Prediction of infant birth weight by GDM screening test. Importance of plasma triglycerides. Diabetes Care 15 : 1605-1613, 1992
4)Yamashita H, et al : Factors associated with patients with gestational diabetes in Japan being at increased risk of requiring intensive care. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 140 : 170-174, 2018
5)Wei J, et al : Effects of low glycemic index diets on gestational diabetes mellitus : a meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials. Medicine(Baltimore) 95 : e3792, 2016
6)Yamamoto JM, et al : Gestational diabetes mellitus and diet : a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials examining the impact of modified dietary interventions on maternal glucose control and neonatal birth weight. Diabetes Care 41 : 1346-1361, 2018
7)Davenport MH, et al : Impact of prenatal exercise on neonatal and childhood outcomes : a systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med 52 : 1386-1396, 2018
8)Berntsen S, et al : Large for gestational age and macrosomia in singletons born after frozen/thawed embryo transfer(FET)in assisted reproductive technology(ART). Birth Defects Res 110 : 630-643, 2018
9)Chauhan SP, et al : Suspicion and treatment of the macrosomic fetus : a review. Am J Obstet Gynecol 193 : 332-346, 2005
10)Scifres CM : Short- and long-term outcomes associated with large for gestational age birth weight. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am 48 : 325-337, 2021
11)Neylon OM, et al : Overgrowth syndromes. Curr Opin Pediatr 24 : 505-511, 2012
12)Nesbitt TS, et al : Shoulder dystocia and associated risk factors with macrosomic infants born in California. Am J Obstet Gynecol 179 : 476-480, 1998