合併増大号 今月の臨床 最善で最新の産科麻酔診療をめざして
1)田中秀典,他 : 帝王切開術麻酔の現況に関する全国アンケート調査の結果報告.日臨麻会誌33 : 411-420, 2013
2)Aiono-Le Tagaloa L, et al : A survey of perioperative and postoperative anesthetic practices for cesarean delivery. Anesthesiol Res Pract 2009 : 510642, 2009
3)Practice Guidelines for Obstetric Anesthesia : An updated report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Obstetric Anesthesia and the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology. Anesthesiology 124 : 270-300, 2016
4)Dahl JB, et al : Intraoperative and postoperative analgesic efficacy and adverse effects of intrathecal opioids in patients undergoing cesarean section with spinal anesthesia : a qualitative and quantitative systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Anesthesiology 91 : 1919-1927, 1999
5)Kato R, et al : Delayed respiratory depression associated with 0.15mg intrathecal morphine for cesarean section : a review of 1915 cases. J Anesth 22 : 112-116, 2008
6)Bauchat JR, et al : Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology Consensus Statement : monitoring recommendations for prevention and detection of respiratory depression associated with administration of neuraxial morphine for cesarean delivery analgesia. Anesth Analg 129 : 458-474, 2019
7)Tran DQ, et al : Transversus abdominis plane block : a narrative review. Anesthesiology 131 : 1166-1190, 2019
8)Hussain N, et al : Postoperative analgesic effectiveness of quadratus lumborum block for cesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia : a systematic review and meta-analysis. Anesthesiology 134 : 72-87, 2021
9)Mankowitz SK, et al : Failure to extend epidural labor analgesia for cesarean delivery anesthesia : a focused review. Anesth Analg 123 : 1174-1180, 2016
10)Murata Y, et al : An optimal epidural catheter placement site for post-cesarean section analgesia with double-space technique combined spinal―epidural anesthesia : a retrospective study. JA Clin Rep 7 : 3, 2021
11)Pitkänen MT, et al : Serious complications associated with spinal and epidural anaesthesia in Finland from 2000 to 2009. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 57 : 553-564, 2013
12)Bauer ME, et al : The Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology Interdisciplinary Consensus Statement on neuraxial procedures in obstetric patients with thrombocytopenia. Anesth Analg 132 : 1531-1544, 2021
13)Wong CA, et al : Incidence of postpartum lumbosacral spine and lower extremity nerve injuries. Obstet Gynecol 101 : 279-288, 2003
14)Kovacheva VP, et al : A contemporary analysis of medicolegal issues in obstetric anesthesia between 2005 and 2015. Anesth Analg 128 : 1199-1207, 2019
15)Carvalho JC, et al : Oxytocin requirements at elective cesarean delivery : a dose-finding study. Obstet Gynecol 104 : 1005-1010, 2004
16)Heesen M, et al : International consensus statement on the use of uterotonic agents during caesarean section. Anaesthesia 74 : 1305-1319, 2019
17)Balki M, et al : Oxytocin protocols for cesarean delivery. Int Anesthesiol Clin 52 : 48-66, 2014
18)Kovacheva VP, et al : A randomized, double-blinded trial of a “rule of threes” algorithm versus continuous infusion of oxytocin during elective cesarean delivery. Anesthesiology 123 : 92-100, 2015
19)Choi PT, et al : PDPH is a common complication of neuraxial blockade in parturients : a meta-analysis of obstetrical studies. Can J Anaesth 50 : 460-469, 2003
20)Banks S, et al : An audit of epidural blood patch after accidental dural puncture with a Tuohy needle in obstetric patients. Int J Obstet Anesth 10 : 172-176, 2001