合併増大号 今月の臨床 最善で最新の産科麻酔診療をめざして
1)Savic LC, et al : Anaphylaxis in obstetrics - double the trouble. Anaesthesia 75 : 1424-1427, 2020
2)Mulla ZD, et al : Anaphylaxis in the obstetric patient : analysis of a statewide hospital discharge database. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 104 : 55-59, 2010
3)日本麻酔科学会 : アナフィラキシーに対する対応プラクティカルガイド.p11, 2021 https://anesth.or.jp/files/pdf/response_practical_guide_to_anaphylaxis.pdf
4)McCall SJ, et al : Anaphylaxis in pregnancy : a population-based multinational European study. Anaesthesia 75 : 1469-1475, 2020
5)Draisci G, et al : Latex sensitization : a special risk for the obstetric population? Anesthesiology 114 : 565-569, 2011
6)北村浩之,他 : 内診によりアナフィラキシーショックをおこしたラテックスアレルギーの1例.日皮会誌108 : 1465, 1998
7)澤幡 望,他 : 反復帝王切開時にアナフィラキシーを発症したラテックスアレルギーの3例.皮膚臨床63 : 1517-1521, 2021
8)Chaudhuri K, et al : Anaphylactic shock in pregnancy : a case study and review of the literature. Int J Obstet Anesth 17 : 350-357, 2008
9)Sampson HA, et al : Symposium on the definition and management of anaphylaxis : summary report. J Allergy Clin Immunol 115 : 584-591, 2005
10)Kanayama N, et al : Amniotic fluid embolism : pathophysiology and new strategies for management. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 40 : 1507-1517, 2014
11)Samsoon GL, et al : Difficult tracheal intubation : a retrospective study. Anaesthesia 42 : 487-490, 1987
12)Simons FE, et al : World allergy organization guidelines for the assessment and management of anaphylaxis. World Allergy Organ J 4 : 13-37, 2011
13)Schwartz LB, et al : Time course of appearance and disappearance of human mast cell tryptase in the circulation after anaphylaxis. J Clin Invest 83 : 1551-1555, 1989
14)van der Linden PW, et al : Insect-sting challenge in 138 patients : relation between clinical severity of anaphylaxis and mast cell activation. J Allergy Clin Immunol 90 : 110-118, 1992