今月の臨床 胎児心臓を診る―この超音波所見を見逃すな!
1)Yabrodi M, et al : Hypoplastic left heart syndrome : from comfort care to long-term survival. Pediatr Res 81 : 142-149, 2017
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3)Glauser TA, et al : Acquired neuropathologic lesions associated with the hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Pediatrics 85 : 991-1000, 1990
4)Olson DM, et al : Electroencephalographic abnormalities in infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Pediatr Neurol 5 : 93-98, 1989
5)Taketazu M, et al : Intrauterine pulmonary venous flow and restrictive foramen ovale in fetal hypoplastic left heart syndrome. J Am Coll Cardiol 43 : 1902-1907, 2004