今月の臨床 子宮体がん診療の最前線―最新分類から治療法まで
1)Walker JL, et al : Laparoscopy compared with laparotomy for comprehensive surgical staging of uterine cancer : a Gynecologic Oncology Group Study LAP2. J Clin Oncol 27 : 5331-5336, 2009
2)Janda M, et al : Effect of total laparoscopic hysterectomy vs total abdominal hysterectomy on disease-free survival among women with stage I endometrial cancer : A randomized clinical trial. JAMA 317 : 1224-1233, 2017
3)Leitao MM, et al : Impact of robotic platforms on surgical approach and costs in the management of morbidity obese patients with newly diagnosed uterine cancer. Ann Surg Oncol 23 : 2192-2198, 2016
4)Deimling TA, et al : Randomized controlled trial comparing operative times between standard and robot-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 136 : 64-69, 2017
5)Handa VL, et al : Te Linde's Operative Gynecology 12th ed. Wolters Kluwer, 2020
6)Cusimano MC, et al : Laparoscopic and robotic hysterectomy in endometrial cancer patients with obesity : a systematic review and meta-analysis of conversions and complications. Am J Obstet Gynecol 221 : 410-428.e19, 2019
7)Yoshida K, et al : Laparoscopic versus robotic hysterectomy in obese patients with early-stage endometrial cancer : a single-centre analysis. Anticancer Res 41 : 4163-4167, 2021
8)Turner TB, et al : Mapping the robotic hysterectomy learning curve and re-establishing surgical training metrics. J Gynecol Oncol 32 : e58, 2021
9)Rajanbabu A, et al : An analysis of operating time over the years for robotic-assisted surgry in gynecology and gynecologic oncology. J Robot Surg 15 : 215-219, 2021