増刊号 ―豊富な所見で診断の進め方がわかる―産婦人科 画像診断アトラス
周産期 画像診断の進め方:基礎編
●superb microvascular imaging(SMI)は,モーションアーチファクトの影響を軽減し,微細な低速の血流描出を高フレームレートで実現した新しいドプラ技術である.
1)畠 二郎,他 : Superb Microvascular Imaging(SMI)の特徴と臨床的有用性.Med 47 : 438-443, 2015
2)Inoue A, et al : Peculiar blood flow profiles among placental chorionic villous vessels of an abnormally thick placenta in a case of systemic lupus erythematosus characterized using microvascular imaging. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 46 : 2684-2690, 2020
3)Horinouchi T, et al : Missing decidual Doppler signals as a new diagnostic criterion for placenta accreta spectrum : a case described using superb microvascular imaging. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 47 : 411-415, 2021
4)Yoshizato T, et al : Placental Doppler microvasculature in normal and abnormal pregnancy. Donald School of Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2021 : 10.5005/jp-journals-100009-1708
5)Muto M, et al : A case of ventricular noncompaction associated with heterotaxy and atrioventricular block diagnosed at 15 weeks of gestation using superb microvascular imaging. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 48 : 1983-1988, 2022