今月の臨床 更年期症状への補完代替医療の最新知見―科学的根拠を踏まえて
1)Holmberg L, et al ; HABITS steering and data monitoring committees : HABITS(hormoneal replacement therapy after breast cancer- is it safe?), a randomized comparison : trial stopped. Lancet 363 : 453-455, 2004
2)Col NF, et al : Hormone replacement therapy after breast cancer : a systemic review and quantitative assessment of risk. J Clin Oncol 19 : 2357-2363,2001
3)von Schoultz E, et al ; Stockholm breast cancer study group : Menopausal hormone therapy after breast cancer : the Stockholm randomized trial. J Natl Cancer Inst 97 : 533-535, 2005
4)Høibraaten E, et al : Increased risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism during hormone replacement therapy : results of the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled estrogen in venous thromboembolism trial(EVTET). Thromb Haemost 84 : 961-967, 2000
5)Grady D, et al : Cardiovascular disease outcomes during 6.8 years of hormone therapy : Heart and Estrogen/progestin Replacement Study follow-up(HERS II). JAMA 288 : 49-57, 2002
6)Viscoli CM, et al : A clinical trial of estrogen-replacement therapy after ischemic stroke. N Engl J Med 345 : 1243-1249, 2001
7)Singh P, et al : Hormone replacement after gynaecological cancer. Maturitas 65 : 190-197, 2010
8)Rocca WA, et al : Survival patterns after oophorectomy in premenopausal women : a population-based cohort study. Lancet Oncol 7 : 821-828, 2006
9)Querleu D, et al : Clinical practice guidelines for the management of patients with endometrial cancer in France. Int J Gynecol Cancer 21 : 945-950, 2011
10)日本婦人科腫瘍学会(編) : 子宮体がん治療ガイドライン2018年版.金原出版,2018
11)Barakat RR, et al : Randomized double-blind trial of estrogen replacement therapy versus placebo in stage I or II endometrial cancer : a Gynaecologic Oncology Group study. J Clin Oncol 24 : 587-592, 2006
12)Shim SH, et al : Effects of hormone replacement therapy on the rate of recurrence in endometrial cancer survivors : a meta-analysis. Eur J Cancer 50 : 1628-1637, 2014
13)寺内公一 : 現代漢方の基礎知識更年期障害.産婦の実際63 : 315-320, 2014
14)食品安全委員会新開発食品専門調査会 : 大豆イソフラボンを含む特定保健用食品の安全性評価の基本的な考え方.2006年5月 http://www.mhlw.go.jp/houdou/2006/02/dl/h0202-1b.pdf
15)Shimizu S, et al : Involvement of herbal medicine as a cause of mesenteric phlebosclerosis : results from a large-scale nationwide survey. J Gastroenterol 21 : 308-314, 2017