今月の臨床 更年期症状への補完代替医療の最新知見―科学的根拠を踏まえて
1)Rossouw JE, et al ; Writing Group for the Women's Health Initiative Investigators : Risks and benefits of estrogen plus progestin in healthy postmenopausal women : principal results from the Women's Health Initiative randamaized controlled traial. JAMA 288 : 321-333, 2002
2)Koike K, et al : Efficacy of porcine placental extract on climacteric symptoms in peri-and post-menopausal women. Climacteric 16 : 28-35, 2013
3)小山嵩夫 : 更年期障害.産婦治療69 : 506-509, 1994
4)Koike K, et al : Efficacy of porcine placental extract on shoulder stiffness in climacteric women. Climacteric 16 : 447-452, 2013
5)Koike K, et al : Efficacy of porcine placental extracts with hormone therapy for postmenopausal women with knee pain. Climacteric 15 : 30-35, 2012
6)吉川智香子,他 : スキンアナライザーを用いた成人女性の皮膚状態の評価 : 年齢別正常値の設定とホルモン療法が皮膚状態に及ぼす影響.日女性医学誌19 : 207-215, 2011
7)Yoshikawa C, et al : Efficacy of porcine placental extract on wrinkle widths below the eye in climacteric women. Climacteric 17 : 370-376, 2014
8)Yoshikawa C, et al : Effect of porcine placental extract on collagen production in human skin fibroblasts in vitro. Gynecol Obstet 3 : 186-189, 2013
9)Koike K, et al : Porcine placental extract modulates monocytic immune responses in vitro and in postmenopausal women. 日補完代替医療会誌18 : 7-21, 2021