今月の臨床 産科エコー 基本の“キ”
部位別 : 胎児エコーのポイント
1)Touboul C, et al : Normal fetal urine production rate estimated with 3-dimensional ultrasonography using the rotational technique(virtual organ computer-aided analysis). Am J Obstet Gynecol 199 : 57.e1-57.e5, 2008
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10)Hains DS, et al : Management and etiology of the unilateral multicystic dysplastic kidney : a review. Pediatr Nephrol 24 : 233-241, 2009
11)Riccabona M, et al : Renal agenesis, dysplasia, hypoplasia and cystic disease of the kidney. Fotter R(ed) : Pediatric uroradiology, 2nd ed. pp.187-210, Springer, Berlin, 2008
12)Aslam M, et al : Unilateral multicystic dysplastic kidney : long term outcome. Arch Dis Child 91 : 820-823, 2006
13)Chung EM, et al : From the radiologic pathology archives : pediatric polycystic kidney desease and other ciliopathies : radiologic-pathologic correlation. Radiographics 34 : 155-178, 2014
14)Chaumoitre K, et al : Differential diagnosis of fetal hyperechogenic cystic kidneys unrelated to renal tract anomalies : a multicenter study. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 28 : 911-917, 2006
15)O'Hare EM, et al : Amnioinfusions to treat early onset anhydramnios caused by renal anomalies : background and rationale for the Renal Anhydramnios Fetal Therapy Trial. Fetal Diagn Ther 45 : 365-372, 2019
16)Miller JL, et al : Neonatal survival after serial amnioinfusions for bilateral renal agenesis : The Renal Anhydramnios Fetal Therapy Trial. JAMA 330 : 2096-2105, 2023