今月の臨床 生殖医療の最新潮流とその一歩先
最新潮流 : 卵巣予備能から着床まで 【配偶子と授精・胚発育】
1)Broer SL, et al : Anti-Müllerian hormone : ovarian reserve testing and its potential clinical implications. Hum Reprod Update 20 : 688-701, 2014
2)Broekmans FJ, et al : A systematic review of tests predicting ovarian reserve and IVF outcome. Hum Reprod Update 12 : 685-718, 2006
3)ESHRE Guideline Group on Ovarian Stimulation;Bosch E, et al : ESHRE guideline : ovarian stimulation for IVF/ICSI. Hum Reprod Open 2020 : hoaa009, 2020
4)Osuka S, et al : Follicle development and its prediction in patients with primary ovarian insufficiency : possible treatments and markers to maximize the ability to conceive with residual follicles. Reprod Med Biol 22 : e12556, 2023
5)Su HI, et al : Comparability of antimüllerian hormone levels among commercially available immunoassays. Fertil Steril 101 : 1766-1772.e1, 2014
6)Decanter C, et al : Toward a better follow-up of ovarian recovery in young women after chemotherapy with a hypersensitive antimüllerian hormone assay. Fertil Steril 102 : 483-487, 2014
7)Iwase A, et al : Usefulness of the ultrasensitive anti-Müllerian hormone assay for predicting true ovarian reserve. Reprod Sci 23 : 756-760, 2016
8)Kasahara Y, et al : Very low levels of serum anti-Müllerian hormone as a possible marker for follicle growth in patients with primary ovarian insufficiency under hormone replacement therapy. Reprod Sci 28 : 31-36, 2021
9)本邦における多囊胞性卵巣症候群の診断基準の検証に関する小委員会:多囊胞性卵巣症候群の診断基準(2024)について.日産婦会誌76 : 97-100, 2024
10)FDA permits marketing of a diagnostic test to aid in the determination of menopausal status. Available from : https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-permits-marketing-diagnostic-test-aid-determination-menopausal-status