今月の臨床 生殖医療の最新潮流とその一歩先
最新潮流 : 卵巣予備能から着床まで 【配偶子と授精・胚発育】
●PICSIによりDNA fragmentationの少ない精子を用いることで臨床成績を向上させる.
●マイクロ流体技術によるgenomic integrityが高い精子の選別は妊娠率を向上させる.
●PICSIによりDNA fragmentationの少ない精子を用いることで臨床成績を向上させる.
●マイクロ流体技術によるgenomic integrityが高い精子の選別は妊娠率を向上させる.
1)Bartoov B, et al : Real-time fine morphology of motile human sperm cells is associated with IVF-ICSI outcome. J Androl 23 : 1-8, 2002
2)Berkovitz A, et al : Does the presence of nuclear vacuoles in human sperm selected for ICSI affect pregnancy outcome? Hum Reprod 21 : 1787-1790, 2006
3)Bach M, et al : Morphological integrity of human sperm nuclei and blastocyst formation after intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection(IMSI). Bregenz, Austria(ESHRE abstract 2007)
4)年森清隆,他 : ヒト精子の超微形態と妊孕性.J Mamm Ova Res 25 : 232-239, 2008
5)Escalier D, et al : Spermatogenesis of mice lacking CK2alpha' : failure of germ cell survival and characteristic modifications of the spermatid nucleus. Mol Reprod Dev 66 : 190-201, 2003
6)Chohan KR, et al : Comparison of chromatin assays for DNA fragmentation evaluation in human sperm. J Androl 27 : 53-59, 2006
7)Aitken RJ, et al : Value of DNA integrity assays for fertility evaluation. Soc Reprod Fertil 65(Suppl) : 81-92, 2007
8)Ugajin T, et al : The shape of the sperm midpiece in intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection relates sperm centrosomal function. J Assist Reprod Genet 27 : 75-81, 2010
9)上野 智,他 : ICSI時の精子選択法として,IMSI及びHBAを用いた際の精子DNA損傷化率の評価.日受精着床会誌29 : 9-12, 2012
10)Burrello N, et al : Morphologically normal spermatozoa of patients with secretory oligo-astheno-teratozoospermia have an increased aneuploidy rate. Hum Reprod 19 : 2298-2302, 2004
11)Setti AS, et al : Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection benefits for patients with oligoasthenozoospermia according to the 2010 World Health Organization reference values. Fertil Steril 95 : 2711-2714, 2011
12)Knez K, et al : The IMSI procedure improves poor embryo development in the same infertile couples with poor semen quality : a comparative prospective randomized study. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 29 : 123, 2011
13)Worrilow KC, et al : Use of hyaluronan in the selection of sperm for intracytoplasmic sperm improvement in clinical outcomes-multicenter, double-blinded and randomized controlled trial. Hum Reprod 28 : 306-314, 2013
14)Huszar G, et al : Fertility testing and ICSI sperm selection by hyaluronic acid binding : clinical and genetic aspects. Biomed Online 14 : 650-663, 2007
15)勝下芽衣,他 : ヒアルロン酸結合能を利用した成熟精子選択(PICSI)の治療成績の検討.日受精着床会誌40 : 160-165, 2023
16)West R, et al : Sperm selection with hyaluronic acid improved live birth outcomes among older couples and was connected to sperm DNA quality, potentially affecting all treatment outcomes. Hum Rprod 30 : 1106-1125, 2022
17)Parrella A, et al : A treatment approach for couples with disrupted sperm DNA integrity and recurrent ART failure. J Assist Reprod Genet 36 : 2057-2066, 2019
18)Keating D, et al : A sperm selection technique to improve embryo ploidy. Fertil Steril 116 : e137, 2021
19)Robles A, et al : Does microfluidic sperm sorting improve embryo development and euploidy rates in patients undergoing ICSI? Fertil Steril 116 : e141, 2021