今月の臨床 生殖医療の最新潮流とその一歩先
最新潮流 : 卵巣予備能から着床まで 【配偶子と授精・胚発育】
●タイムラプス胚観察でなければできないことは何かを知ると,胚評価がgradingからrankingへと変わっていき,time to livebirthを重視した単一胚移植へと日常臨床が変化を遂げる.
●タイムラプス胚観察でなければできないことは何かを知ると,胚評価がgradingからrankingへと変わっていき,time to livebirthを重視した単一胚移植へと日常臨床が変化を遂げる.
1)安藤寿夫 : 受精卵・胚の観察と評価.大須賀穣(専門編集): Science and Practice産科婦人科臨床シリーズ4 不妊症.pp233-244,中山書店,2021
2)Payne D, et al : Preliminary observations on polar body extrusion and pronuclear formation in human oocytes using time-lapse video cinematography. Hum Reprod 12 : 532-541, 1997
3)Mio Y, et al : Time-lapse cinematography of dynamic changes occurring during in vitro development of human embryos. Am J Obstet Gynecol 199 : 660.e1-5, 2008
4)Nakahara T, et al : Evaluation of the safety of time-lapse observations for human embryos. J Assist Reprod Genet 27 : 93-96, 2010
5)Meseguer M, et al : The use of morphokinetics as a predictor of embryo implantation. Hum Reprod 26 : 2658-2671, 2011
6)Rubio I, et al : Limited implantation success of direct-cleaved human zygotes : a time-lapse study. Fertil Steril 98 : 1458-1463, 2012
7)Ezoe K, et al : Prolonged blastomere movement induced by the delay of pronuclear fading and first cell division adversely affects pregnancy outcomes after fresh embryo transfer on day 2 : a time-lapse study. Reprod BioMed Online 38 : 659-668, 2019
8)Ezoe K, et al : Blastomere movement post first cell division correlates with embryonic compaction and subsequent blastocyt formation. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 17 : 44-49, 2019
9)Kieslinger DC, et al : Clinical outcomes of uninterrupted embryo culture with or without time-lapse-based embryo selection versus interrupted standard culture(SelecTIMO) : a three-armed, multicentre, double-blind, randomised controlled trial. Lancet 401 : 1438-1446, 2023
10)Otsuki J, et al : Grade and looseness of the inner cell mass may lead to the development of monochorionic diamniotic twins. Fertil Steril 106 : 640-644, 2016