今月の臨床 生殖医療の最新潮流とその一歩先
●胚の培養液を用いたniPGT-Aではcell free DNAが検査に用いられるが,培養液中には胚以外の遺伝物質も多く含まれるため,検査手順の標準化が重要である.
●胚の培養液を用いたniPGT-Aではcell free DNAが検査に用いられるが,培養液中には胚以外の遺伝物質も多く含まれるため,検査手順の標準化が重要である.
1)Tomic M, et al : Non-invasive preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy and the mystery of genetic material : a review article. Int J Mol Sci 25 : 3568, 2022
2)ESHRE Add-ons working group ; Lundin K, et al : Good practice recommendations on add-ons in reproductive medicine. Hum Reprod 38 : 2062-2104, 2023
3)Zhang WY, et al : Maternal and neonatal outcomes associated with trophectoderm biopsy. Fertil Steril 112 : 283-290.e2, 2019
4)Kakourou G, et al : An update on non-invasive approaches for genetic testing of the preimplantation embryo. Curr Genomics 23 : 337-352, 2022
5)Del Collado M, et al : The embryo non-invasive pre-implantation diagnosis era : how far are we? Anim Reprod 20 : e20230069, 2023
6)Moustakli E, et al : Evolution of minimally invasive and non-invasive preimplantation genetic testing : an overview. J Clin Med 13 : 2160, 2024
7)Huang B, et al : Evaluation of non-invasive gene detection in preimplantation embryos : a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Assist Reprod Genet 40 : 1243-1253, 2023
8)Shitara A, et al : Cell-free DNA in spent culture medium effectively reflects the chromosomal status of embryos following culturing beyond implantation compared to trophectoderm biopsy. PLoS One 16 : e0246438, 2021
9)日本産科婦人科学会 : 非侵襲的PGT-A(niPGT-A)についてご留意いただきたいこと.2024 https://www.jsog.or.jp/activity/pdf/nipgt-a_ryuizikou.pdf(2024年6月8日最終アクセス)
10)Huang J, et al : Embryo selection through non-invasive preimplantation genetic testing with cell-free DNA in spent culture media : a protocol for a multicentre, double-blind, randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 12 : e057254, 2022