増刊号 産婦人科医のための緊急対応サバイバルブック
Ⅰ. 緊急対応に備える
1)Hansel J, et al : Clinical tests for confirming tracheal intubation or excluding oesophageal intubation : a diagnostic test accuracy systematic review and meta-analysis. Anaesthesia 78 : 1020-1030, 2023
2)Davis DP : The use of intraosseous devices during cardiopulmonary resuscitation : is this the answer for which we have been searching? Resuscitation 83 : 7-8, 2012
3)Corazza F, et al : The impact of cognitive aids on resuscitation performance in in-hospital cardiac arrest scenarios : a systematic review and meta-analysis. Intern Emerg Med 17 : 2143-2158, 2022
4)松田祐典,他 : 産科麻酔緊急マニュアル(日本語版).スタンフォード麻酔科インフォマティクス・アンド・メディア・ラボ,2021.https://med.stanford.edu/content/dam/sm/cogaids/docs/OB_EM_1_0_3_Japanese.pdf(最終アクセス : 2023年11月13日)
5)Nakamura E, et al : Intravenous infusion route in maternal resuscitation : a scoping review. BMC Emerg Med 21 : 151, 2021
6)Safety Committee of Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists : Practical guide for the management of systemic toxicity caused by local anesthetics. J Anesth 33 : 1-8, 2019
7)Nakano M, et al : Effectiveness of calcium administration in maternal cardiac arrest associated with hypermagnesemia : A scoping review. Hypertens Res Pregnancy 10 : 4-7, 2022