今月の臨床 異常子宮出血(AUB)の診断と治療―婦人科診療の基本を鍛える!
●AUBはFIGOより発表されているAUB System 1によってAUBの有無の問診を行い,PALM-COEIN分類(AUB System 2)を用いて原因疾患の探索を行う.
1)Kitahara Y, et al : National survey of abnormal uterine bleeding according to the FIGO classification in Japan. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 49 : 321-330, 2023
2)Sun Y, et al : Prevalence of abnormal uterine bleeding according to new International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics classification in Chinese women of reproductive age : a cross-sectional study. Medicine(Baltimore) 97 : e11457, 2018
3)Ansari A, et al : Study of causes behind abnormal uterine bleeding according to PALM-COEIN classification at a tertiary care hospital. J Pak Med Assoc 70 : 154-157, 2020
4)Aalpona FZ, et al : Etiology of chronic abnormal uterine bleeding according to the FIGO's PALM-COEIN classification in Bangladeshi women of reproductive age : a cross-sectional study. Mymensingh Med J 31 : 312-317, 2022
5)Jain V, et al : Uterine bleeding : how understanding endometrial physiology underpins menstrual health. Nat Rev Endocrinol 18 : 290-308, 2022
6)Sabre A, et al : Abnormal uterine bleeding types according to the PALM-COEIN FIGO classification in a medically underserved American community. J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc 22 : 91-96, 2021
7)Shankar M, et al : von Willebrand disease in women with menorrhagia : a systematic review. BJOG 111 : 734-740, 2004