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今月の臨床 異常子宮出血(AUB)の診断と治療―婦人科診療の基本を鍛える!



著者: 野見山真理1

所属機関: 1高木病院産婦人科

ページ範囲:P.418 - P.423






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8)Berceanu C, et al : Endometrial polyps. Rom J Morphol Embryol 63 : 323-334, 2022
9)Vitale SG, et al : Endometrial biopsy : indications, techniques and recommendations. An evidence-based guideline for clinical practice. J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod 52 : 102588, 2023
10)Moustafa S, et al : Patient and provider satisfaction with saline ultrasound versus office hysteroscopy for uterine cavity evaluation prior to in vitro fertilization : a randomized controlled trial. J Assist Reprod Genet 38 : 627-634, 2021
11)Franchini M, et al : Mechanical hysteroscopic tissue removal or hysteroscopic morcellator : understanding the past to predict the future. A narrative review. Facts Views Vis Obgyn 13 : 193-201, 2021
12)野見山真理:オフィスヒステロスコピー外来のセットアップ.日本子宮鏡研究会(編):子宮鏡 新常識を極める.pp 87-109,メジカルビュー社,2019
13)Nomiyama M, et al : Endometrial polyps with increased plasma cells are associated with chronic endometritis in infertility patients : hysteroscopic findings and post-polypectomy pregnancy rates. Reprod Med Biol 20 : 494-504, 2021
14)野見山真理 : 細径硬性鏡を用いたオフィスヒステロスコピーの現状と展望.日産婦会誌75 : 1721-1726, 2023





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